River Country


Anybody remember going to River Country before the fancy water parks existed? ; This is a 1983 photo.

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Another 1983 Photo

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I find it funny that in both pictures there are boys sporting speedos. ; You'd be hard pressed to see that now with board shorts all the craze
I can remember as a little kid watching that video that looped in the rooms on tv that showed it- and BEGGING my parents to go there. ; To bad they were not and are not water park types. ; We love Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach with our kids- too bad this ones gone now.
I never made it there either... ; I wasn't all that bothered about going to River Country since Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach were added. ;
I agree Michael, but I am willing to bet there was just something different about River Country that made it special.
I'm have no doubt that it was special. ; I was just attracted to the vast selection of rides at the other two parks. ; Now that its gone, I kind of wish that I had gone over to check it out once just to see it. ;
"Cooleo" said:
I agree Michael, but I am willing to bet there was just something different about River Country that made it special.

That something special was using lake/pond water. ; While it seems that we as a country used to enjoy swimming in natural bodies of water, there is this increased awareness of certain bugs that can kill us lurking in them.

Didn't you use to be able to swim in the Seven Seas Lagoon? ; Same principle ended it, plus Wikipedia says that FL changed the law about swimming in natural bodies of water.