
None broken yet, but if i don't drop 40 pounds in 6 months i am going to be out 800 dollars!!

( made a bet with 8 people, whoever loses the most weight in the next 6 months gets 100 from each person for shopping )
Hmmm... ; 40 pounds... ; that's do-able! ; $800!!!!!! ; Holy crap!!!!

You've got your work cut out for you!!!
i am hoping it's not going to be that hard, if you think about it! 40 pounds over 6 months is around 8 pounds a month, which breaks down to 2 pounds a week!
That's going to take a lot of dedication, Sean! ; Good luck!

I haven't broken any resoultions... but that's because I don't believe in making New Years resolutions. ; I figure it's just setting myself up for feeling like a failure when the weather's already got my mood pretty low *laugh* ; If I make a resolution, it's going to get made when I feel the time is right for me to succeed at it. *shrug*
I haven't really made any myself. ; I have a bunch that I could have made, but they always get broken pretty quick. ; But I am trying to get back on the eating healthy bandwagon. ; That is so difficult when I have always eaten junk food. ; But if Sean will lose the 40lbs with us eating healthy, it is so worth it. ; ;D ;
I don't make resolutions either.

This year I need to eat healthier than normal, since I have a little one that is counting on my nutrients! But I don't need to make it a resolution to implement it.

Good luck Sean..........$800.00 sure sounds nice!