Remote Shutter Release help


I was wondering what some of you use. ; I have the simple remote that Nikon makes for their cameras but was looking for something more before this summers WDW trip. ; I guess I want to be able to control the length of the exposure as well as maybe set up for it to take shots one its own. ; Any ideas or suggestions?
I just use the standard Nikon remote. ; I've rarely needed anything longer than the camera's maximum exposure time of 30 seconds in manual mode - even when shooting fireworks with an ND filter.
"Roger" said:
I don't think Nikon makes a timer remote for that model...

That's correct. ; The MC-36 multifunction remote only works with cameras equipped with the 10 pin jack which the D7000 does not have. ; If you have an iPhone 4, the Triggertrap app may be an option. ; It functions as a remote with the ability to set the length of the exposure and also has an intervalometer function, both available in the free version of the app. ;
It can be used wired or wireless. ; The parts can but don't have to connect together.
John, ; can you give us a better idea of exactly what you're trying to do with the remote? ; If the shot's you're trying to take are under 30s, the stock remote should work fine. ; It will also take pictures on its own by locking the shutter release in the "on" position on the remote. ;
I found an iphone app that I am going to try out. ; By using a headphone extension jack and soldering on a couple of ir dohickeys it will send the ir signals to the camera. ; Plugged directly into the iphone it is wireless, using the extension jack and banding it to the lens makes it wired (so as to stand behind the camera).

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"mSummers" said:
John, ; can you give us a better idea of exactly what you're trying to do with the remote? ; If the shot's you're trying to take are under 30s, the stock remote should work fine. ; It will also take pictures on its own by locking the shutter release in the "on" position on the remote. ;

Mostly being able to set longer than 30 second exposures as well as set it to repeat itself after say 1 second throughout a show.
"jbwolffiv" said:
Mostly being able to set longer than 30 second exposures as well as set it to repeat itself after say 1 second throughout a show.

If you're trying to do shots longer than 30s and the automatic repeat at the same time you definitely need a remote with some sort of intervalometer function. ; Shots longer than 30s without a repeat requirement could be done with a stopwatch in bulb mode.