Question about beaches near Disney


Hey Folks,

well ; less than a month and we will be at Disney ; WOOOHOOOO, It is so cool as the kids have no clue that we are going...have it planned that a friend decided to come as well so we are going with the story that we are driving them to the airport that morning.... little do they know that we are all going.... ; anyway, we were looking around and since we have a couple of free days we figured that we would like to go to one of the beaches...Huntington beach looks closest as we are staying right near disney...
Has anyone visitied the beaches around disney? ; I was wondering if there were shuttles going to any of them... I have looked at the transit system and by bus it would take just about a hour , which is no biggie but I figured if anyone knew of a better way..

Ok must go back to work..

What a wonderful surprise! ; We did something like that with DD when she was in junior kinderg. - told her we were running an errand, only to end up at the airport. ; It'll be priceless!

As for beaches, I take it you can't take advantage of the "beaches" around Bay Lake (I don't remember where you're staying) - the one at Grand Floridian is wonderful - all of the touches but without having to leave your resort!
I think he is speaking of beaches in California..........and from what I can remember of California, it's better to have a vehicle to get around. ;

Check out the Greyhound site, I believe they offer day trips.
When we went, we had a car to drive down to San Diego. We went to La Jolla Beach which wa beautiful. It had high sea cliffs, very rocky with tide pools, and you could see the sea lions lounging just below. We also went to Mission Beach I think which is in San Diego and id a more traditional, surfing beach with a long stretch of sand and many shells to pick up.

Huntington Beach is the closest to DLR. I have heard of people renting a car just for the day to make the trip. There is Orange County transit, but I've heard it could take upto 2 hours each way (albeit for $3/person). I'm sure there are shuttles. You may want to call the hotel you're staying at, and ask them if there are any services from there.

I hate to send anyone elsewhere, but when planning my DLR trip, I did find the disboards very helpful -- they have a specific section just for Disneyland and THOSE people were quite friendly. ; ::) ; I found this over there for you:

"Got back from our Disneyland vacation last night. Just wanted to update this thread, should anyone find it useful!

It turned out that we did take the OCTA bus down to Huntington.

We paid $3 each for our one day passes and caught the 43 South bus on Harbor and Katella. This bus runs up and down Harbor every 15 minutes so it's fairly easy to catch.

It took us about 50 minutes on the 43 to get to Harbor Blvd and Sunflower Ave. We passed through some areas I wouldn't have been keen to stop in, but Harbor and Sunflower felt safe. All nicely manicured colleges and industrial buildings. There is a Quiznos, another sandwich shop and some copy shops at the intersection.

At Harbor and Sunflower, we transferred to the 172 West bus. The stop is across Sunflower Ave from the brick Whittier Law School. This bus only runs once an hour but we timed our buses so that they met up. It was about half an hour on the 172, and it stops on the beach right past the pier on the Pacific Coast Highway.

On the way back we caught the 172 in the same place we were let off (it does a one way loop through Huntington Beach) and met up with the 43 at Sunflower and Harbor again.

It did end up being 1 1/2 hours each way through fairly boring areas, but we were just not willing to put down the money for private transportation (we were told $80 by our hotel), and we really wanted to see the ocean. So... $6 and a fairly painless (if a bit long) bus ride and we got to spend our afternoon at the beach. I think it was worth it!"
I should add that DL has a great selection of good neighbour hotels (like WDW) - I've put clients up at DL (e.g., Grand Californian onsite, or even a DL good neighbour) and then put them at beach hotel for added vacation stay...