Primitive Drawings? Maybe! But Where? (SOLVED)

Re: Primitive Drawings? Maybe! But Where?

Hmmm...that's interesting! ; Looks like a giant bird eating a person.

There's something faintly polynesian looking about it...and the dark green leafy areas and lava stones make me think of that I'm going to guess Adventureland first, somewhere across from the Dole Whip/Aloha Isle place.
Re: Primitive Drawings? Maybe! But Where?

We wouldn't be in the center garden atrium at the Polynesian resort, would we?
Re: Primitive Drawings? Maybe! But Where?

That would be a No to Poly & a No to Swiss Family. jbwolffiv is warmest at this point.
Re: Primitive Drawings? Maybe! But Where?

That's about where I was thinking...right around that first corner, when you are going through the jungle area by the head salesman, before the waterfall basin.
Re: Primitive Drawings? Maybe! But Where?

No to both. You're a little too far along. While I will leave this one open a little longer, I will give the solve to Justin for nailing the attraction down.