Pop Century

Discussion in 'WDW Resorts / Downtown / Rest of WDW' started by Coo1eo, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Doesn't anyone have have any POP photos to share. This was my first time staying there & it was nice. I'll start off by sharing this one.


    Click the picture to go to it's flickr page.
  2. prettypixie

    prettypixie Member

    I had one of those phones when I was little!
  3. Paul

    Paul Member

    Here is one from Pop....

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    Here's one from this past December. I stayed there twice last year, and enjoyed it both times.

    [attachment deleted by admin]
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    I stayed at Pop during Mousefest 2006. I had one of those Mickey phones, too. (it had Touch Tone buttons so not as old as this one)



    Not the sharpest photo as this was taken without a tripod and before I got a VR lens. Still, I like it because I never could figure out that Rubik's Cube!

    For more Pop photos, go to this thread...Pop Century: the 50's
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. WDWmemories

    WDWmemories Member

    Great pictures. I WANTED one of those phones when I was little :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  7. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Here is another from my January trip. I Love these signs out fron of the resort.

  8. joedif

    joedif Member

    Here is one from last summer

  9. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Here's another from January.

  10. mousefan

    mousefan Member

    Posted this before but it is my favorite.

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    A new one for today.

  12. Bob D.

    Bob D. Member

    We also like Pop Century. ; I've attached a few pics I've taken at the resort.


    [attachment deleted by admin]
  13. Bob D.

    Bob D. Member

    Every trip I expect to see a little more progress on the early years portion of the resort. ; Every year it looks exactly like this.

    Does anyone know if they're every going to complete the resort?


    [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    bdushok, that legendary years building is post-apocalyptic creepy, isn't it?
  15. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Good description Tim! ; I have never stayed here, but have really enjoyed the photo's! ; Thanks for posting all!
  16. Bob D.

    Bob D. Member


    Yes, very post-apocalyptic! ; LOL ; Very non-Disney as well. ; I've been surprised at how many years they've left those buildings unfinished.

    It appears they have a completely finished bridge that was supposed to join the two resorts. ; Very strange :)

  17. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    if you look closely enough, you can see unfinished guest room buildings as well. ; just hollow shells without decorations, paint, or trimming. ; eerie.
  18. Bob D.

    Bob D. Member


    I like the lack of staircases on the guest buildings. ; Something just looks wrong without them :)

    I wonder if these buildings are weatherized? ; Its a shame to think these buildings are getting destroyed as they just sitting there.

    We've stayed at Pop Century for our five times and the place is always packed. ; It's amazing they don't expand the resort. ; It certainly seems popular enough to warrant expansion.

  19. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    A year ago they seemed to have moved in some heavy equipment, so rumors abound that they are planning on finishing the resort, but will follow the All-Star Music idea and the new section will be completely family suites.

    Not sure; except that the resort was the first victim of 9/11[nb]Actually I think the Sleeping Beauty Castle walkthrough was, but it's open again[/nb], after Disney thought they would never have large numbers of vacancies on property.

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