PM2013 - Magic Kingdom: Everything Else

"ddindy" said:
I'm sorry to hear about your problems with the 85. ; Mine is one of my favorite lenses. ; And it's on sale right now - you should buy one!

Yes, yes... I see that... but we just bought my husband the 24-120 f4 lens for the D90 at that very same sale. I'm thinking that the next lens I "NEED" to buy will be the 70-200. I'm looking into selling a kidney but I can't get anyone in the family to give one up so I can buy that lens..

"zackiedawg" said:
Scary good shots, Joanie! ; It's actually embarrassing how much better your results are than mine - the only consolation I can give myself is that my camera was lighter. ; ;) ; Love the shot of Old Bill and his cats...and that dog shot is one of the best angles and ideas I've seen on that one.

I love your shots and I know the extent that you go to capture the magic so thanks for the compliment! I'm compelled to get that sharp, perfectly composed shot so I'm willing to schlep the heavy stuff around to make it happen.

I think I've seen the dog 's behind shot before, but only once.

I just found out the Festival of Fantasy parade debuts the day we have to leave (Sun March 9th). We have an early flight ; so I am definitely missing it. I will have to wait until August to see it when we make it back again. I was thinking that between making the debut of this and/or the Mine Train coaster I'd rather be able to photograph the parade.... But I will definitely get to do both on subsequent trips.

"ELinder" said:
Joanie, thanks for the further explanation. That's some serious preparation. It paid off. You'll love the 70-200 on the D4, it just sings.


Hearing that has put a wag in my tail! I can't wait!

Another from the Celebrate the Magic parade. Anybody remember that? Several of the characters seemed drawn to my camera that day.
