PM2013 - Haunted Mansion


Staff member
Let's see the shots you Pixelmaniacs got on the Haunted Mansion meet. ; And for those who weren't at Pixelmania, there will be some GOOD ones in here! ; Yes, there were some very lucky ducks who got caught at some really nice spots in the ride when it came to a stop several times. ; Some of the rest of us unlucky ducks got stuck in the middle of nowhere both times and were looking at black walls! ; I can't wait to see some of those shots I saw on little LCD screens after the ride.

Here are mine...and I was a mostly unlucky duck not having stopped anywhere good!:






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Here are a few that didn't come out all that ride stopping, low light, and way high ISO...I tried for a few different scenes inside I hadn't shot before, like the suit of armor and some of the cemetery random scenes:



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Wow, Justin that attic scene is fantastic. ; Great catch. ; Did you use the NEX for that? ; Was that during a ride stop?
Thanks Tim - the attic scene and the portrait of the couple are from the ride stop - that was all I could see, and I had to lean out of the car a bit to see that as I was sort of in the no-man's land between two sections! ; Those shots were with the DSLR that time.

Nice shot of the hitchhikers - I'd love to get a wider shot like that with the stuff off to the left - I'm usually stuck with APS-C and 35mm lens at the widest, so I can't quite fit all of that scene in the shot!
I've been sitting on this shot for a while, hoping to get a better one. Maybe that will happen at PM 2017. And this time I'll bring my death certificate.

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