I sent my 24-70 f 2.8 to the shop to be fixed. When wide open the right side was slightly blurry. Never been dropped or mishandled so I'm thinking it might have been wear. I should really test that lens before I go but I'm thinking if they didn't fix it it's not fixable. That lens is the workhorse with 4 years of use. We shall see.
I sent out the D4 for a sensor cleaning 3 weeks prior. Because of the special, no fog, coating on the sensor it doesn't play nicely with the traditional sensor cleaning substances. That's not something they tell you about the D4. You just try to clean it yourself, make a mess, take it to the local shop, they use the same swab you used and they make a mess, then you wise up and send it to Nikon.
I have a new HUGE lap top (MSI) that barely fits in my rolling case pocket so whew on that! I'm thinking hard about taking the 200-500 lens. it's only sharp at between 300-500 but that's where you would use it anyway. I have a shot or two in mind for it but I'm not sure if it will work out. We'll see if it makes it in the bag.
We bought some 1.8 primes (85mm and 28) so I have to try them out at WDW and the 14-24 found it's way in my bag so I am definitely taking that.
I think it's best if I make up a schedule with where I will be on what day and which lenses I should pack in that day's backpack.
Two weeks will fly by in an instant. It's time to get serious!