Partners at MK has been....gilded

is this a permanent thing or just for F&G? initial thoughts are thumbs down but i would need to see it in person. the partners statue, to me, always had a sort of timeless elegance and i wonder why they would want to mess with that - UNLESS this is an early april fool's joke.
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They celebrate F&G at MK? If so, I wasn't aware of it.

As for an April Fools Day joke, well, I doubt it.

I'm guessing this is permanent, but because they didn't replace the statue with this one it could probably be reversed.

I'm like Kevin on this one...something isn't right but exactly what I'm not sure of yet.
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They might not have gilded it... They could have just polished the bronze, which means that if they left it alone, it would darken up again to match the rest. Anyway, I don't think I like what they did to it. As Tim said, it had a timeless elegance before, and it doesn't have that now.
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Michael, you may be right. Perhaps they did this to gauge the reaction (and especially that of the foamers) before doing something more permanent.
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I don't like that at all. The simple partner statue was great and as like mSummers said that Tim said it had a timeless elegance which is now gone.
I'm not noticing the it just me? When I go back in my pics from January and March, I don't see anything different from what's in that link.

In January when I went to MK, it was a rainy day, and very grey. I did snap a pic of Partners that day:


The gold (actually, I'm thinking brass), parts are there, and have been for some time. I dug back through my pictures to March 2002, and the separate color brass parts are there.

What it seems like to me is that they polished up the brass parts, so they really stand out as they probably did when the statue was new. They had become tarnished and had that 'patine' look that made the brassy bits blend better with the rest of the statue, but if polished, they would jump out a bit more.

In March...though this is a night shot...I think you can noticeably see how much the brass looks polished and shiny under the lights:


which more closely resembles the shot in the link above.

If I'm not seeing it, or it's something else, let me know! But that's my theory...a little polish made it stand out, but likely nothing was changed.
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Okay they did just polish it. But why now?
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