Pangani Forest Trail Scenery


Staff member
Here are some photos I took of the general scenery on the trail.

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#3...oopsie! Someone forgot to update the scenery for the new name!
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those walking trails at DAK are two of my favorite 'attractions'. CRAZY attention to detail at every turn.
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i haven't been able to convert karen as of yet, but i am sure billy might have something to do with that come this summer.
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Good. I'd hate to think that we'd use all that cuteness for our own twisted purposes
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Craig great shots. I couldn't imagine having to be the poor guy that built that rock wall.
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I can't believe I'm down to my last memory card from February in terms of processing. A2 has really sped up my work flow. Nothing like a little control+9 action to move you along!

The research tent falls:

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