Package is on the way!

Discussion in 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' started by Coo1eo, May 21, 2009.

  1. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Well guys. The day has finally arrived. I ordered my Canon 70 - 200, f/2.8 IS Lens, Kata R-102 Backpack & the Kata Reflex E Camera Strap this morning. I'll share the pics of my purchase once it arrives. ; :D
  2. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Congrats! ; We can have a Kata strap & backpack user reunion at Pixelmania. ; :)

    Isn't it always great when you order something and know that box is on the way?
  3. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    cool! that is an exciting box coming!

    if we all set our bags down at the same time, we'll be like the spies in movies switching bags
  4. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Yeah, except that if you get the wrong one, it's not like you'll be able to use what is inside! ; (three different lens mounts!)
  5. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Thanks guys & YES, it is very exciting to know that it is on the way. That would be fun if we could all be there together. Then as Roger noted, we could all run around the parks trying to find each other to play musical bags. It would be some great big "Photography Treasure Hunt". I might be on to something there. Maybe Tim can use that idea for Pixelmania. I'll share pics of my purchases when they arrive.
  6. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Congrats on the purchase! ; I can't wait to order my strap and nifty fifty. ; Money is slowly accumulating for it. ; Am trying to buy a house at the same time, so the saving for this is going slower than normal. :(
  7. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Oh Happy Day! The package has arrived.





    And here are a couple quick shots with the new lens. I plan to shoot a whole bunch when I get home this evening, just to get used to using this lens as it is a whole new ball game for me.

    Here's Mickey peeking out from behind the notes cube:


    And here's an orange sitting in one of my tea cups for my Japanese tea set which was purchased @ EPCOT. I Love the Japanese Green Tea.

  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

  9. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    ooh lala!
  10. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    OOOOOO AAAAAHHHHH! ; So jealous! ; Shots looking good so far. ; What do you think of that bag, and strap now that you have laid your hands on it?
  11. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    So far I'm liking it a lot. Fixing to head home & pack all the gear into it. I Love the camera strap. Funny thing is I didn't realize the bag came with a free strap, so now I have two. I think I will put the second one on my Camcorder for now.
  12. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    For Craig & Leo - Kata inserts...

    Oh man...they're still giving away the free strap inside? ; I got mine that way too - but I figured it was a temporary thing! ; Well, at least you have another thing to put the strap on. ; :)

    BTW - I mentioned that I had gotten some more dividers from Kata for my bag. ; It's actually uncut pieces of yellow padding (not quite the same type as the ones in our bags, but yellow to match - just a bit thinner) with velcro - you cut whatever size and shape pieces you want and apply the velcro to the ends. ; Very convenient, and it's allowed me to make more lens pockets.

    Like Craig, I had used two of the dividers provided at the bottom of the bag to keep stuff from falling out the I can use the newly cut dividers down there, and bring the factory ones up to use for lens separators. ; I also added a new divider up at the top of the bag, in place of the small diagonal one they provided. ; And I added a divider to the center section above the camera - since my center section had to be full-length for when I have the Tammy 200-500 attached, and at least one lens pouch also had to be big enough to fit that lens when not on the camera, I always end up with one space much larger than it needs to be. ; So when I've got a smaller lens attached to the camera, I can stick the extra divider above the camera and add another sizeable compartment...or when the big Tammy is on the camera, I can move the divider over to that large spare compartment, which will only be holding the smaller 18-250 lens - leaving me extra space above for another compartment. ; Also, with my flash unit added above, I still have one top compartment currently just holding bulb blower and wired remote - so there's room to add another lens (perfect, since I'm still shopping an ultra-wide zoom!). ; I moved the charger cables and filters and such into the lid pockets. ; And my slik tripod fits nicely in the tripod holder!

    A few shots of the new configuration:

    Congrats Leo - can't wait to see more from the lens, and hear how the bag and strap work out for you!

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  13. frankie

    frankie Member

    Hope you enjoy it. ; I LOVE my 70-200 f2.8 IS. ; Wouldn't trade it for any other lens. ; I looked at the KATA bags, but ended up with a LowePro Fastpack250 and love it!
  14. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    That is a really nice looking setup. ; I think I am going to get this. ; I really like the way that it looks.
  15. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Packed all my gear into mine last night & it all fits great. I attached the tripod holder, slipped the tripod in & put the whole thing on my back to see what it was like. I was totally surprised that it did not feel nearly as heavy as I thought it would. The big sits comfortably on the shoulders & the weight is nicely distributed. Thanks to Justin & Craig for suggesting this pack. BTW, I have already attached the extra strap to the camcorder, Great fit.
  16. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Frankie do you have any photo's of the bag on the inside? ; I can't find any inside shots on B&H's web site.
  17. frankie

    frankie Member

    I will take some in just a few minutes so you can see. ;
  18. Paul

    Paul Member

    Leo congrats on the new lens and bag. ; I have really enjoyed shooting with that lens and I'm sure you will to. ; I'm definitely bringing it down to Pixelmania.

    I'm sold on that strap, gotta pick one up. ; The bag is really tempting to!
  19. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Thanks Paul. I got all the gear in the bag, attached the tripod pouch, put the tripod on & was surprised at how well the pack sits on my back. For all that is in there, it is relatively comfortable & carries well. As for the strap, I ended up with 2. I purchased one not realizing that I was going to get one with the pack. This was not stated as being included & I don't think it usually is. I believe this is a promotion they are currently running. Nevertheless, I ended up putting the second strap on my Camcorder. Here is a list of what all is in my pack now:

    40D Body
    70-200, 2.8
    70-300, 4-5.6
    17-85, 4-5.6
    50, 1.8
    External Flash
    Battery Charger
    Spare Batteries
    Spare Cards
    Filters (6)
    Remote Shutter Release
    Rain / Sun Cover

    Everything fits well in the bag & is not crammed in. I am Very Happy with this purchase.
  20. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    That's a lot of stuff Cooleo!

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