Other than Disney what are some of your hobby or interests?

Ham Ham

We all love Disney or why else would we be here.

What are some of your other interests or hobbies?

Enjoy spending time with the Hamettes, watching movies, playing with our puppy, tinkering with my computeres, PC clone tower & Mac Book, swimming, watching the Simpsons, Futurama & Ugly Betty, cooking, video games Wii & PS2 and listening to podcasts on my iPod Nano.

Let's see, I guess I have to put enjoy spending time with Sean right...LOL! ; Also I love photography, but I wish I could take better photos. ; I don't quite have the artist eye for compositions yet. ; I belly dance, knit, play soccer, love going for long walks and if the darn gym by us ever opens up, I know I will constantly be at the gym. ; There will be no excuse since it is right across the street. ; I love to bake, but haven't for a long time since everything I make is so bad. ; Even though we don't go much, I love getting to the mountains, that is always a treat. ; Sean and I watch a lot of TV and movies as well. ; We just watched The Forbidden Kingdom over the weekend which was actually pretty good. ; Had a good story to it. ; Oh I also spend a lot of time watching our two cats. ; They aren't the greatest cuddlers with me (they just love Sean though...I am so jealous!! :P) so I usually end up watching what they are doing.
Here is my list, in no particular order

Being a Disney Vacation Specialist (I know this is Disney related but it is a hobby)
Being a Father of 2 boys
A Husband of a micro-managing wife ; :-\
Web Design
Ballroom Dancing
Eating great food at great restaurants
Photo tips. Zoom with your feet, fill the frame, shallow depth of filed when shooting portraits, pull people away from walls, pay attention to all four edges of the frame. if you're shooting kids or animals try to get down to their level.
Forget the gym buy a good pair of walking shoes and your exercise is where you are.

I love to read detective FBI type books. Allison Brennan is the current author im reading
I'm also a Comic book Geek, X-Men only but i collect most of all x-men series
I watch too much TV for my own good lol mostly supernatural stuff like Ghost whisperer and supernatural. I also love criminal minds, I’ve always been fascinated by behavioral analysis. and some cheesy teen dramas like gossip girl and stuff.
watching movies
I love Spending time with my fiancé and our yellow Labrador retriever, Diesel and our cute siamese mix, Ash.
Planning our wedding and Disneymoon

I think thats it for now :P
Umm.. So i need to say Disney and this web site would be #1 for me.

Martial arts
Sports - Soccer,paint ball,baseball,basketball
Movies - I love going to the movie theater
Video games - i did play a lot of MMORPG
Taking Photos with Karen's Camera
Going to Disney
"Ham Ham" said:
What are some of your other interests or hobbies?

Oh boy... well, I absolutely love my day job (I work in TV) and I have a passion for my part time job (Disney Vacation Specialist), so when you like what you do, you like to do it a lot. ;)

I take horse back riding lessons (English not western!), I like to go sailing, I'm an avid reader - totally hooked on Mme. Ramotswe and the Ladies No.1 Detective Agency series at the moment, I travel around the world whenever possible and if you've seen my Facebook page, you'll see that I like to take pictures. Due to colder weather, I'v spent way too much time online, but as soon as the sun shines, that will change!
We are avid campers and can't wail for our first of eight weekend trips booked. I love volunteering as a Boy Scout Leader this is was my first year and really liked the experience. I also can't wait to get into my gardens there's nothing more relaxing after a day of working in an office than to get outside into the garden, well almost nothing;). I used to be really into movies but there don't seem to be very many good ones lately that get me excited. I can watch hockey day and night actually I don't think there is anything better than watching hockey playoff while camping. ;D
So many things I'm into.

I do community theatre. ; We just finished a production of Man of La Mancha in Cookstown, Ontario. ; That was quite fun.
I'm an avid geocacher.
I love travel (even to non-Disney locations), in the planning stages for a trip to Japan in September.
I collect comics, a hold-over from my youth.

It's amazing I have time to sleep!
Camping, reading/watching sci-fi, hanging with the kids, working in the yard, driving and being an amateur Disney Specialist (again a hobby).