Opinions Needed


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My family and I are going on the Disney Magic in April. We are considering going to Disney for a marathon type trip between Saturday the 26th when the ship returns, and leaving on Sunday evening the 27th. Does anyone, have any suggestions for this type of trip? Where to stay? Is the new deluxe dining plan worth it for such a short stay? I have tickets for my wife and I, I just need one for my son, he'll be 4 when we go this time. Thanks for the input.
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you will be tired when you get off the ship, no way around that, so much to do and see, so i think you'd fine your energy level might quite be at full park commando level 1, plus if using wdw busses to the world you'll find that 1200 is a more realistic expectation of what time frame you can start heading towards a park
if $ permit and studios/epcot is your thing, then anything around crescent lake, if mk for the young'un then floridian/contemporary/poly
i feel any other hotels for this short time frame eat up to much in transport time
just my .02, ymmv