On January 10 Nikon will unveil the D4. Wells Fargo doesn't lock dwn links.

Discussion in 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' started by Roger, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

  2. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    I hope Nikon uses this sensor for the D800 or maybe a D700s. ; I am still shaking my head at the rumored specs.

    BTW, that new 85mm f/1.8G lens looks sweet.
  3. ELinder

    ELinder Member

    Looks like the article is gone. A rumor site estimated the body only price at $6,000. Sure, in that case I'll take 2! I actually hope the D800 rumors are true, not because I would get one, but because then Nikon really have no choice but to update the D300s to fill the gap.

  4. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    lol it did! ; I wonder if it was Nikon or Fuji that told them to secure their site!
  5. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    bummer... i was interested in reading up on this one. ; when the $&#@ is canon going to get into the mirrorless market? ; imaging a 1d series - mirrorless? ; i would love it!
  6. gary

    gary Member

    relax tim, canon has to jump in, remember my prediction, mirrorless pro bodies with L quality glass within 10 years

    and anyone that's a diehard mirror person, go on over to flicker and go into the panasonic gh2 group and just start paging back, and see what outrageous photos are being created with that little body. of course most of the real good low light stuff is being done with the voightlander nokton 25mm f 0.95, a lens not due in stock at b&h until february, but has been around in europe for awhile, the downside is it's $1200, but i've gladly paid that or more for some of my L lenses, and if that becomes the dark ride solution, look for me to have one by the end of this year
  7. ddindy

    ddindy Member Staff Member

    I'm already planning to spend my tax refund on that 85mm 1.8! ; And I think I'll start checking the used market for a D3s. ; (Probably still can't afford one, but it will be fun to look.)

    I'm still waiting for the D400 announcement. ; Maybe later this year?

    Be patient, Tim. ; Nikon's press conference is on Jan. 6. ; The date on the Wells Fargo page was January 10, so you'll be able to read it on Monday.
  8. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Tim, actually some of the rumor sites have concluded that Canon doesn't want to be in the mirrorless industry. ; That is why they are releasing the new large sensor G series P&S..... the new G1X. (sensor smaller than Nikon 1 but bigger than P&S)

    It too was on the same site as above but has also been pulled, lol.
  9. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Attached Files:

  10. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Let's hope this is the first of three big announcements from Nikon this year. ; The natural disasters in Japan and Thailand really set back the camera manufacturers last year. ; Now, can someone talk Nikon into using the D4's sensor in a D700 class of body? ; Please!!!
  11. ELinder

    ELinder Member

    I doubt that'll happen. I have been wondering though, if the rumored high Megapixel D800 isn't the replacement for both the D3x and D700. As long as there's enough light, you can use all of those pixels. When the light gets low, you don't have as good high ISO performance as the D4. But downsize those 36MP shots, and away goes a lot of that noise. Not ideal, but probably still better than you'd get with the D700.

  12. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Nikon is following Canon's lead on this one.

    Canon has more MP in the smaller form factor body (5DMk2, soon to be either 3D or Mk3), better ISO and less MP in the full size 'pro' body. ; I don't think Nikon is going to release the large sensor in a large body, probably because they found out that people who need 20+mp don't care about the body size...I wonder how many D3x they sold.....
  13. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    The big thing is the price of a 36MP sensor in a D700 like body. ; Not to mention the processing power and additional storage which will be needed to handle the files. ; I certainly can not afford a D4 to get the kind of sensor I want to use. ; So, I would like Nikon to give us Pro-sumers a choice like they did with the D3 and D3x...Maybe a D800 with the D4 sensor and a D800x with the 36MP sensor.

    I doubt that will happen as Nikon would never want to be seen as putting out something "less" than Canon. ; Sigh...and here we all thought the Megapixel wars were over with Nikon's and Canon's 12 and 16MP sensors. ; :(

    Wouldn't it be grand if they came out with a body which you could customize with the sensor you wanted? ; Something Thom Hogan has been pushing for the last few years. Then if one needed a crop sensor for say wildlife, they could put one in. ; Want FX ISO performance sensor, pop one in. Be easier to clean them outside of the body, too.

    Will probably have to wait for SONY to do this as Canon and Nikon are so scared of rocking the boat and losing sales.
  14. Paul

    Paul Member

    Decision time for me! I have been saving and waiting patiently for Canon & Nikon to come out with their new full frames and now I just have to decide what makes sense.

    Leaning towards the Canon 1DX since I have the 70-200 F2.8 IS, 50 f1.8, 580 Flash. ; The kits lens for my 40D will stay with that body since I don't think it will work on a full frame. ; Also have the familiarity with Canon menus and operation. ; Would also be nice to have two bodies.

    But, that Nikon sure looks good and is a bit cheaper. ; However, new lenses and new flash, cable release, etc would probably cost me more in the long run.
  15. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Thom's right, and there is a reason he started a new website BTW.

    Anyway, Ricoh in a way has already done this. ; It is much easier to do with mirrorless. ; Ricoh's solution however is that the sensor AND mount* (may include a lens that isn't removable) go together... ; They now have a Leica mount option with one of their modules....

    Next up would be a removable sensor AND a removable mount.
  16. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

  17. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

  18. Paul

    Paul Member

    crazy.....any image samples available from canon 1dx yet?
  19. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Seen this: ; http://web.canon.jp/imaging/eosd/samples/eos1dx/

    I think what's happened is that I know one of the largest water carriers for Canon is actually not calling himself a photographer anymore but videographer.... ; And it seems that in this case (read Joe's notes) that Nikon was very willing to give pre-production samples for months to test....and we know how Canon feels about that.
  20. Paul

    Paul Member

    Roger, Are you referring to Vincent Laforet? ;

    So Canon does not normally provide pre-production camera bodies for the pros to use? ; I thought I saw a video on their CPN site that showed a car racing photographer using it, but now I cant find it.

    I am a bit concerned regarding the loss of auto focus at apertures smaller than f5.6 with the 1DX. ; The D4 will support f8.

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