Okay I did it - Starting a 101 Photography course

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sean&Karen
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I decided to take the plunge and signup for a photography 101 course, not sure how many people in this course are going to have a 5DM2 but maybe there will be others...

Reason for taking the course I am tired bugging Tim and other people for settings... I want to do it on my own.

The course is six weeks long and its two hours a week. Some of the things we will be covering will be:

- Getting acquainted with the essential controls and menus of your DSLR
- Understanding the camera's automatic settings, when and why to use them
- How to set up your camera for shooting
- Understanding how to take full control of exposure
- The creative effect of shutter speed and aperture
- Controlling Depth of Field
- How to affectively control ISO for proper exposure
- Understanding equivalent exposures
- Appropriate use of Bracketing and Exposure Compensation
- Overview of Semi-automatic modes; Program mode, Shutter and Aperture Priority Modes
- How focus works
- Advanced focusing techniques
- Achieving correct exposure through the use of Metering Modes and Exposure Lock
- How to get the best color in your photographs
- The benefits of shooting in the RAW format versus the JPG format
- Introduction to flash and use of ambient light
- Understanding lenses, focal length and perspective

I think i might start a running post about this as I go on so that it may help other newbies like me, I can click a button but the real magic is knowing how to set your camera up to get the picture you are looking for and not bugging everyone else.
Karen, if you want to "blog" about your experiences on the main portion of the site, let me know and I will create an "author" account so you can post to the main site. ; I think a lot of people would be interested in your experiences. ; Have Sean text me with the account information that you would want to use.
I would be interested in hearing you experiences with your course. I often think of taking a course as I feel like I'm stumbling around a bit and don't fully understand all of my camera settings, what they can do and specifically when they should be used.

I'm hoping talking to folks at Pixelmania will really help me going forward.
Sean, if you want to "blog" about your experiences on the main portion of the site, let me know and I will create an "author" account so you can post to the main site. ; I think a lot of people would be interested in your experiences. ; Text me with the account information that you would want to use.
Karen, if you want to "blog" about your experiences on the main portion of the site, let me know and I will create an "author" account so you can post to the main site. ; I think a lot of people would be interested in your experiences. ; Have Sean text me with the account information that you would want to use.

*Stomping foot* ; >:( at comment above.

If either of you want to "blog" about your experiences on the main portion of the site, let me know and I will create an "author" account so you can post to the main site. ; I think a lot of people would be interested in your experiences. ; Text me with the account information that you would want to use.
Tim Karen is a little offended that you feel she needs a basic 101 course.. Me .. I think its funny as hell
Thanks for the laugh guys, and whoever is taking the class, I would love to hear and read all about it. ; I have been thinking of doing this as well.
Okay I did it - Starting a 101 Photography course

I am a complete noob when it comes to photography but I love it so much looking a class in Orlando if anyone is near that knows about a class would be awesome
Day 1 is complete ... Really enjoyed it and learns some good stuff - Had a real fun time :)
Maybe if you want to keep the accounts similar, start a new user account called Karen & Sean, to go with the Sean & Karen account.
Okay I did it - Starting a 101 Photography course

Then we'd just have to figure out if you are going with your name first or second...

Sent from my iPhone...
"Canesandphins1" said:
I am a complete noob when it comes to photography but I love it so much looking a class in Orlando if anyone is near that knows about a class would be awesome

Have you looked into continuing education classes at local colleges?