Oh to be some place warm today!


Disney World here I come! ; I wish I could say that today. ; We are in a cold snap and that last I heard it was -31 and -48 with Windchill. I don't even think that the weather where my sister is in YK is that cold. ; My car was nice enough to get me to work today though.
It was +8C yesterday and -8C (-18c with the wind chill) today I have the fireplace going and listening to park audio while I work to take me away.
It is -12 today and it feels like spring compared to the last three days. ; Although today I think it is warmer outside than it is inside my office. ; But it was great to just hop in the car, know that my car was going to start, wait for a couple minutes and then take off. ; I love the warm weather!
I REALLY hate the cold. I can't wait for spring. That groundhog better know what's good for him on Saturday and predict an early spring!!!
The only thing good about winter is snow days....and I hope tomorrow is one of them!
The School board just canceled school for the kids.
They'll be happy when they wake up to hear the news.
I'm off the clean off the car for the DW.
Not too much snow yet but we're supposed to get pounded today with freezing rain this afternoon.

I've linked the image below to the city's webcams here in Missisauga. So if your looking at this and it is all bright and sunny the storm must be over. :)
PA Day here... so no school anyway.

We're off to Ottawa for some unavoidable stuff. ; It just started snowing here... so it should be fun!!!
I HATE winter! ; I whine pretty much every day from October til April, just can't stand the winter. ; Anyone who knows me, knows how hard it is for me to put up with the cold, the snow, and anything else that isn't 85 degrees and sunny!

I finally talked DH into heading to WDW, so we are off at the end of March! ; I always feel better if I have something like that to look forward to.

But then, there is tonight....it is freezing out and snowing, snowing, snowing! ; 43 more days to go!