off topic- canadian girl dolls

Just wondering if anyone knew of the website for canadian girl dolls? ; It's kinda the samething as an american girl doll. ; I have tried googling it but I get nothing, and we had a flyer for them but I threw it out without writing doen the website address......thanks
"leishamarie" said:
Just wondering if anyone knew of the website for canadian girl dolls? ; It's kinda the samething as an american girl doll. ; I have tried googling it but I get nothing, and we had a flyer for them but I threw it out without writing doen the website address......thanks

I did a quick google and found this one: ; ???
it's not canadian girl, but my DD9 got a my twinn doll for her 3rd bd - have to order one for DD2 now. ; You pick hair colour, colouring, face shape, and send in pic of daughter, and they try to build a doll that resembles her as much as possible