Off to the East Coast!!!


Well the tent-trailer is almost packed and we head east tomorrow morning. ; We'll be going across the n/e U.S. and taking the ferry from Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouth. ; Camping around Lunenburg, Truro and Fundy national Park in N.B.

Talk to y'all in two weeks! ; ; ;D
You will have a wonderful trip. ; I really hope you tell us all about it when you get back. ; Lunenburg is really close to my hometown. ; Wish I could have gone with you!!
Well, we survived.

Great trip, with lots of driving. ; We took the Cat ferry from Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouth, N.S. ; My son was feeling queezy... and so were about 50% of people on the boat. ; Even I was a little ill... and I have never been sea-sick in my life. ; One of the crew members admitted it was a pretty rough trip.

We spent a couple of days near Lunenburg, saw some Tall Ships, the Ovens (oceanside caves), Peggy's Cove and the Halifax Harbour. ; We went for a whale-watching tour out of Digby-Neck and saw a few humpbacks, a couple of minkes and some porpoises!!! (The whales were the highlight for my daughter!!!!)

After visiting around Truro, we headed for Fundy National Park. ; If you think about camping at a National park.... DON'T!!!! ; I paid about $60 online when I booked out campsite for two nights... ; but then we had to pay another $34 for park fees when we arrived!!!!!!!! ; $90++ for two nights of camping??!??!??!

On the way home we spent two nights in North Conway, New Hampshire. ; This place has a tonne of factory outlets and..... NO TAXES!!!. ; We spent way too much money, but got a lot of kids clothes for the fall and some other things we've been wanting to buy. ; The North Conway area is beautiful, nestled in the White Mountains. ; There are lots of cute and unique shops, with many hotels and motels.

I have always loved the drive through Maine, NH and Vermont and the mountains. ; It was a good trip, but I'm glad to be home.
Lunenburg, the Ovens, Peggy's Cove...oh some of my favorite places.

Did you manage to stay at the Ovens? ; I think that is such a neat place. ; Had I known you were going I would have highly recommended the tidal bore rafting in the Bay of Fundy in Stewiacke. ; The exit before Truro. ; It is a total different experience to see the tide change and go from 2 feet of water to 15 foot rapids in a few minutes.

Too bad that staying in Fundy cost you so much, I would have never of guessed that it would be so much. ; ; But it does sound like you had a fantastic time and that it all that matters when you go on a vacation...right?
Glad you had a great time. $90 for camping isn't that far off we pay $83 to camp at the provincial parks that's a premium site but still. Have you ever camped at Disney?
No. ; I'm not sure if I'd like to camp at WDW. ; There's something about staying in the hotels... ; and less work than camping.

Anybody out there ever camped at WDW???
With a handle like Highland, I'd figured you were from the Maritimes. ; I'm from Nfld myself - lived in these parts for 20+ years, but Nfld. is home. ; Made the first drive down ever this summer with 2 small kids - the ferry is as fun as I remembered from high school vacations with my family to PEI. ; Great drive, though.
Love seeing maritimers on the board. ; Sean and I may be in the west, but our hearts are definitely back home in the east.