Off to see Alice In Wonderland!


Will let you know what I think!

But then I'll be biased since anything that Johnny Depp is in is Fabulous!LOL
DD and DW saw it last night.

DD (13) loved it... DW (more than 40) wasn't overly impressed.

DS (almost 10) and I saw Percy Jackson & The Olympians and both of us give it two big thumbs up. ; Cute story and great effects.
I loved it! ; It was more "Alice thru the Looking Glass!"

It was definately an interesting take on the whole thing...........Loved that Alice left on the "Wonder" at the end!LOL

JD, great performance!!! ;
It should be!!!! but you can also look forward to seeing the new Disney Ocean's (which we'll catch the premier while in the mediterian) and the new Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (which we'll have to wait until Sept to catch on the Wonder).
I love watching movies on deck of DCL's ships especially under the stars in the pool or hot tub......can't wait.
Weve done DVC movie nights by the pool, but its just not the same
I forgot about Oceans!

Pirates 4, a definate!

I find that watching the movie on deck, with the rocking of the ship, that I have a tendancy to take a nap!LOL
Saw it twice at the Scotiabank Theatre IMAX 3D.
First time, I was iffy. ; I'm not a big "Alice" fan to begin with, but I wanted to give this movie a fair chance. ; I liked it, but I didn't know how much I liked it.
Second time was considerably better. ; Not only did I go to a matinee during the week but I got to sit directly in the centre and everything was much better. ; I liked it considerably better the second time around.

Favourite Character : I'm sorry, Hatter, but Cheshire Cat was pretty amazing!
One of my favourite moments was when the March Hare said a line, then creeped/tripped out, looked at the spoon in his hand and said "S-s-spoon..." ; I was laughing hysterically! :)