Not in Tomorrowland (SOLVED)


Staff member
Where in a famous central Florida tourist destination would one find this unusual light fixture? ; For bonus points, describe what it is lighting up.

To help you out, I have already eliminated one possibility (see topic).

Re: Not in Tomorrowland

This light look like it might be on the roof of the Jungle Cruise Queue Pavilion & is lighting up the Jungle Cruise Sign.
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

You're half right - it's on a roof, but not the roof at the Jungle Cruise.
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

That's three very warm guesses, but none are correct. ; Add two to that number, and you get a very obscure clue.
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

Good guess, Justin, but wrong and no warmer.

Lenny might know the answer, but I don't think he's a member of TMIP.

Tim is warmest so far in geographic terms.
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

OK...going to have to guess the Shootin Arcade. ; Originally, the '5' clue was going to lead me next to Pecos Bill's cafe (for the 5-pointed star of the sheriff's badge)...but I just can't picture it there since it's more adobe and flat roofed. ; The Shootin Arcade is wood like this...5 could be for points scored...does Lenny mean Of Mice And Men Lenny, as in gun?
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

You're getting hot location-wise, Justin. ; I don't know exactly how hot because the Shootin' Arcade is not on my guide map! ; But you're cold on the Lenny clue. ; Maybe I should change the 5 clue from "very obscure" to "nearly impossible".

And to make things worse, I just realized that I forgot to bring the full picture with me. ; I'll have to fly home and get it in case somebody solves this.
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

This one has gotten a little stale, so here's a recap of the guesses from cold to hot:

Jungle Cruise
Thunder Mountain
Splash Mountain
Tom Sawyer raft building
Country Bear Jamboree
Shootin' Arcade

Does it help if I show you a little more?

Re: Not in Tomorrowland

Oh my! ; It's the DVC kiosk, isn't it!? ; I seem to recall they have a wheel on the roof with the sign on it.
Re: Not in Tomorrowland

Justin has nailed the location. ; It is the Frontierland DVC booth. ; Well done!

Now, does someone want to try for the name on the sign? ; The lyrics to a Lenny Kravitz song might give you a clue. ; This movie clip will also give you a clue, as well as a laugh: ;