
Thanks all. I was actually working all weekend and on my Birthday upgrading a major system at work. All went well now I can relax a little. I got tickets to tonight's leaf game from work.
"NorthernMouse" said:
Thanks all. I was actually working all weekend and on my Birthday upgrading a major system at work. All went well now I can relax a little. I got tickets to tonight's leaf game from work.

Did you enjoy the game last night...... :(
"Ham Ham" said:
Another belated Happy B'day! old?

"Sorcerer Mickey" said:
Did you enjoy the game last night...... :(
My wife and I were in box seats, the pizza, and hot dogs were good beer was cold. The game was very disappointing :( but we stuck it out till the end.
Hopefully one day the Leafs will be able to bring a Stanley Cup home. That's assuming you're a fan of da buds.
I'm from Montreal, every year we'd skip a day of school in the spring to go the the Stanley Cup Parade.

Don't really follow hockey or any sport for that matter unless I'm working at a game. The last time I actually payed ; attention to games were the Olympic 2002 gold medal final in Women's and Men's Hockey.

I'd be happy the leafs or Canadiens won the Stanley Cup. ; Although with the leafs it seems ; once again need to wait until next year.

Having ; covered both World Series Bluejay victories in 92 & in 93 being on the field when Joe Carter hit those home runs that won the series the locker room and celebrating on you street was mazing, but I'm sure when the leafs win the Stanley Cup it will nothing like Toronto has ever seen.