Night Shots @ Disney...

Miss Manday

Alright, so I did a search or two for these topics but didn't really come up with anything, so I thought I'd ask... hope this is the right section for it! Sorry if not. :( Anyway. I have a Canon Powershot SX20 is, and I ADORE it. Only thing is, the model doesn't come with a great manual, and I'm still trying to figure out the best settings for taking pictures of things like Spectromagic, Wishes, and Fantasmic. I'm heading out to the park on Monday for a play day to shoot some pictures of friends in Spectro and would LOVE to get some good shots for them... but I need some advice on what settings to use to actually get PICTURES of things... and not big dark blurry blobs.

Thanks in advance! :)
There are two ways to approach your request.

The first is to figure out which of the preprogrammed scene selections would work best.

For Wishes, use a tripod and the Fireworks mode. ;
For Spectro, I would try either Night Snapshot or High ISO.
For Fantasmic!, I would try either High ISO or Sports mode. ; I do see that High ISO cuts your file size down, so you may want to experiment with that first.

The second would be to try and use your camera like an SLR. ; You can set the settings manually, and use Tv, Av or M mode.

Tv you get to set the shutter speed. ; For Fantasmic! I'd recommend nothing slower than 1/90 sec but you should go to at least 1/125 sec or faster. ; The camera will then set the aperture, and perhaps even use Auto ISO with spot metering.

Similar settings for Spectro/MSEP as Fantasmic!, although I wouldn't use spot metering, and you can go down to 1/30, 1/60 sec.

Wishes with a tripod, full Manual mode is best. ; But you will need a tripod. ; Set your shutter at 2-6 secs, ISO at 100, aperture at f/8. ; I don't think your aperture goes any more than that.
Welcome back, miss manday. ; I looked for you and your "friends" last month when we were there but had no luck. ;
Try and get as close to the subject as you can. Leave the lens "wide open" (try not to zoom). This will allow more light to enter the camera and produce a better photo. That with the other suggestions above (high ISO etc..) should work for ya! Good Luck!
Ms. Manday I just checked out your flickr page...very cool shots!!! My daughter loved the shots of Tiana and Giselle...she's excited to see them this year!