We'll be going to a house party at a friend of my wife's. ; We take the kids and it's a fun night. ; We eat, skate... ; maybe site in the hot tub... and have a few r&c's (or in my case r & dp (rum & diet pepsi). ; We stay there to see midnight and then head home (usually with Mrs. highland3 driving. ; It's only once a year ;
Last year, the kids had more energy by midnight than I did. ; It's way past my bedtime!
Were off to Vineland to tour some wineries in the Niagara area then to the Festival of lights and Aladdin Jr. Out to dinner on New Years eve with the in-laws then a quiet evening watching the ball drop in New York.
New Years? ; Well I managed to get a flight home from NS to AB that night. ; I arrived at 9pm so when we got home we had just enough time to open some of the Xmas presents left under the tree, have a drink or two and celebrate together what I hope is a better year.
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