New Canon - EOS 1D Mark III Announced

i have never been crazy about the 1D series, mostly because they are so darn expensive and they are HUGE... this one looks interesting but what is it going to cost?

it's gonna take a miracle to get that 5d out of my hands...
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"Tim" said:
i have never been crazy about the 1D series, mostly because they are so darn expensive and they are HUGE... this one looks interesting but what is it going to cost?

it's gonna take a miracle to get that 5d out of my hands...

I think I read elsewhere (Gizmodo?) it had a MSRP of $3999.

It's been a while since I've held the 1D ... I didn't recall it being THAT much bigger than the 5D. For my size (I'm a bigger guy), the 5D size is perfect. I love my Rebel, but (as ridiculous as it sounds) it is a little too small for me. A little heft in the body would probably help me position the shots I want.

From my perspective, I'm just happy they're announcing new bodies ... as it usually results in a price drop on the old ones. I've had my eye on that 5D for a while myself (though I'd really like to hear about a 5D upgrade with the Digic III processor). If my recent run of luck at the craps table continues, I may have a new lens AND a new body before summer.
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i put a lot of thought into the size and feel of the body before i bought the xti, don't get me wrong, i love my 20d, it's taken over 10,000 snaps so far without a hint of trouble, but i kept going to best buy, and kept getting the same kid, after a while he would just unlock the cabinet and hand me the xti without saying a word, and while it's small size does take some getting used to in my hands, it's nothing i can't work with in europe, and going smaller and lighter was the whole point to this
the 1 series is probably never going to be mine, those things are huge and HEAVY, likened to hauling a brick around all day, yeah the weather sealing is great but i just don't stay out in bad weather long enough to make it necessary, i don't like to be cold or wet thank you, spent enough of my life in the big orange condom at accident scenes to not want that anymore
the solution many seem to find for heft in the rebel is to get the battery grip, cures it for most people i hear
i agree the best news about a new body, esp at the rumored price point means price drops in older models, if tht msrp proves accurate, most likely means future full frame prosumer 5d replacement hits the street sub 2000, throw in mirror lockup button, digic 3 and i might even go get a job for long enough to get mthe funding needed, and me being steadily employed is not a common desire these days
Gary -

I don't think I'd ever get rid of the Rebel (or at least, would upgrade it), just because it's nice to have a "small" DSLR around.

I guess I need to do some investigating into weather sealing. I'm not going to be kayaking down a river in a maelstrom anytime soon, but since I do harbor dreams of bringing a full frame on a Disney trip, I guess I need to know how much "rain" it can take. Nothing like those clockwork summertime thunderstorms at the park.
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HOLY COW! Did I read that right? They're going to have some manner of AUTO ISO capability?? Could it be that they've FINALLY responded to the screaming, frantic demands of the masses from these past years?
Or are they just scared, having realized that nearly every other manufacturer has now implemented this feature to some degree?

I don't want to be as negative as I may be sounding.. as I've said before, I WANT them to improve, because I want to stay with Canon, because I LIKE Canon gear. I picked them.. well, partially because at the time the Digital Rebel was the only consumer level D-SLR in existence, unlike now when the market is flooded with them. But I watched Nikon come out with the D70, checked out the reviews, and noted that while it had many advantages the Canon CMOS sensor had better noise performance. Canon retained that edge for quite a while, but it's at least become an issue of debate now that they've followed Nikon in the megapixel race.

I look forward to seeing this new sensor and processor system put through its paces. And of course I eagerly anticipate the announcement of lower priced models using the same technology, I seem to recall that the Digic II debuted in the Mark II and later showed up in the 20D and the XT.

I'd have to come into a whole lot of money, or become a professional, to seriously consider the 1D mark III. But boy would I at least like a chance to use one. 10 megapixels at ten frames per second. I just want to know what that feels like. I mean I'm still blown away by 5 FPS on the 30D.

Let's hope this is the opening volley in a fierce new round of competition that takes the evolution of D-SLRs past the megapixel race. Through competition we receive innovation.
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I agree about the competition ... it's all good for the end user. More power, more innovation, lower prices. That's why even though I'm a Canon guy, I'm thrilled with Nikon's recent DSLR advances.
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What did I miss?


Live preview?

This is geared towards sports photographers but they are trying to include landscape/macro photographers as well, even though it's a 1.3x crop.

Live preview made me wonder what ever happened to the pellican mirror from the 1RS? Wouldn't that allow for live preview? I know the viewfinder would be dim, but still.....
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"rlongenbach" said:
Live preview made me wonder what ever happened to the pellican mirror from the 1RS? Wouldn't that allow for live preview? I know the viewfinder would be dim, but still.....

could you explain that a little better? not familiar with that ...
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EOS 1RS - Had a semitransparent pellicle mirror in it. It was the first 35mm film SLR to reach 10fps - because the mirror didn't flip up. No blackout, the shutter would open and the light would go through the mirror to the film plane. No viewfinder blackout either, but the transmission reduced light to the plane by 2/3 stop I think...

"In the RS mode, the shutter release time lag is 0.006 sec."

yeah I think the sports world enjoyed that.
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