Hello everyone,
Let me start by saying how excited I am about joining this forum, I just recently discovered it and can't wait to start posting!
OK, so I'll dive right in. Saturday will mark my first experience at WDW with my DSLR. However, my girlfriend and I will not be going into any of the parks. We just recently moved to south FL (from MI) and do not have AP's yet and cannot justify spending the $$ for less than a full day at the parks. So, that being said we are going to DTD and dinner at the Poly with a little exploring in between and Wishes on the Poly beach after dinner.
I am looking for some unique things to shoot while exploring. Of the many times I've been to WDW, the three resorts I have been to the least are the GF, Contemporary, and the Poly. We will probably stick to these 3, just from ease of access with the monorail. I have a few ideas, but I would just like some more.
Also, any info on shooting Wishes from the Poly beach would be great. Are you far enough away to need a fairly large telephoto or are you close enough that something in the 'normal' range can get all of it? Maybe even close enough to need a wide angle?
Hopefully after this quick trip I will have some new decent shots to start posting here, Im getting a little sick of looking at my same static shots with my p&s!
Thanks everyone!
Let me start by saying how excited I am about joining this forum, I just recently discovered it and can't wait to start posting!
OK, so I'll dive right in. Saturday will mark my first experience at WDW with my DSLR. However, my girlfriend and I will not be going into any of the parks. We just recently moved to south FL (from MI) and do not have AP's yet and cannot justify spending the $$ for less than a full day at the parks. So, that being said we are going to DTD and dinner at the Poly with a little exploring in between and Wishes on the Poly beach after dinner.
I am looking for some unique things to shoot while exploring. Of the many times I've been to WDW, the three resorts I have been to the least are the GF, Contemporary, and the Poly. We will probably stick to these 3, just from ease of access with the monorail. I have a few ideas, but I would just like some more.
Also, any info on shooting Wishes from the Poly beach would be great. Are you far enough away to need a fairly large telephoto or are you close enough that something in the 'normal' range can get all of it? Maybe even close enough to need a wide angle?
Hopefully after this quick trip I will have some new decent shots to start posting here, Im getting a little sick of looking at my same static shots with my p&s!
Thanks everyone!