Needs some good online reads.

I'm leaving for WDW in just 3 hours ; :D

I've saved almost all the articles on here, and I'm looking for some good how-tos to read on my 7 hour drive.

I have my camera manual (read it twice) I still don't understand it. I've very much a learn by trying type of person. I plan to try to play with my camera a bit in the car and have already cleared it with the driver. (He said he'll make a no flash photography spiel at the beginning of my ride) but since I hate flash anyway I don't see it being a problem (can't say I've used a flash in 2-3 years on my p&s)

If it helps/matters I have a Pentax K100d Super attached is a Sigma 28-105 f2.8-4 I'm also bringing my kit lens and a Sigma 28-200 3.5-5.6 (i think) I'm also carrying around an external flash (my fiance has requested it)

I know I most likely don't need all the lenses, but I have space for them, and my bag doesn't feel heavy so I figure just in case. Lenses I'm leaving in my hotel room 28-80 Macro sigma. Lenses I'm leaving at home 28-35 manual pentax (that has a tight focus ring) and a manual 70-210. I leave my camera in AF so much and just p&s it that I didn't think I should bring something I had no idea how to use.

Thanks a bunch!