Need help/opinions please! (is it the 40D or is it me?)


Well, I just got my brand new 40D back from Canon yesterday. I thought the camera was not focusing properly, so I brought it in to the service center along with 3 lenses. I think there's something wrong with it ... and I'm leaving 2 weeks from today for WDW! I've uploaded a few sample photos, along with a sample using the 20D. All were taken with the 24-105mm lens. I used the faithful picture style on the 40D, and I know post processing is necessary with this picture style, but I don't think any amount of pp will help these photos. All are straight out of the camera. They're big files, so I'm just putting the links here. Is there a way to tell if it's the camera, or user error? I've used the 20D since it came out in 2004, and the 300D prior to that, so there shouldn't be that much of a learning curve with this camera. That's why I'm thinking there's something wrong with it. Thanks for any and all suggestions!
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Something is definitely not right with the photos from the 40D. When I got my D2Xs, it was back focusing about 2 inches, so I understand your frustration. Being a Nikon user, I don't have any experience with that camera, but maybe some of the cannon users know of specific problems with that model.

There is a good test for front and back focusing here.

Hope that helps
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Thanks for the link! I'll have to try that tomorrow.

The service notes from Canon indicate front focusing was found and corrected, but it looks to me like a larger problem than front-focusing. To my eye, the images are muddy and blotchy and just bad. I guess I just want to make sure it's not user error before exchanging the camera.
Well since you've got my camera-lite, it seems you have a similar issue as to why I sent mine in. And why the D3 is in the back of my mind.

Are you using one-shot or AI Servo? Auto-select focus point or center/manually selected? Have you looked at the RAW files? Do you have Zoombrowser installed? If so you can see where the focus point is on the image. I don't have that installed on my system.

With that being said, I think Canon *has* done something with the faithful style that is requiring more sharpness for "regular" pictures. I know they changed the file format for the 2007 models compared to the past; mostly because of the switch to DPP 3.

As for a learning curve, well..... it does have the new menu system, right? I have seen the 40D been called the Mk3 lite, so you may have a learning curve. I just want to know where the camera thinks it is focusing on. Perhaps they didn't really fix it there in Jersey. Maybe Irvine has better techs? I don't know, my camera's been gone for only a week now.
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"rlongenbach" said:
Well since you've got my camera-lite, it seems you have a similar issue as to why I sent mine in. And why the D3 is in the back of my mind.

Are you using one-shot or AI Servo? Auto-select focus point or center/manually selected? Have you looked at the RAW files? Do you have Zoombrowser installed? If so you can see where the focus point is on the image. I don't have that installed on my system.

I tried AI Servo when I first got the camera, had no luck with that, switched to one-shot and stayed there. I've tried selecting the center focus point, all focus points, and various single focus points. I've checked the focus point through zoombrowser, but in some cases it doesn't appear to have focused anywhere (

With that being said, I think Canon *has* done something with the faithful style that is requiring more sharpness for "regular" pictures. I know they changed the file format for the 2007 models compared to the past; mostly because of the switch to DPP 3.

I have tried most of the picture styles with similar results.

What really puzzles me is that I was able to get this shot and this one shortly after receiving the camera. However, my percentage of keepers that day was much lower than usual.

As for a learning curve, well..... it does have the new menu system, right? I have seen the 40D been called the Mk3 lite, so you may have a learning curve. I just want to know where the camera thinks it is focusing on. Perhaps they didn't really fix it there in Jersey. Maybe Irvine has better techs? I don't know, my camera's been gone for only a week now.

I really do like the new menu system, and I am excited about some of the new features (over the 20D). I had read that there wouldn't be a significant improvement in IQ, but I certainly would hope that it would be at least as good as the 20D.

I finally called the store from which I ordered the camera, and explained what was happening. They were very nice, and they said this was the first problem they've encountered with the 40D. I am going to return it to them for an exchange.

Thanks for your reply, and good luck with your camera. I hope it comes back to you with satisfactory results.
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I would run it through the focus tests with different lenses and see how the results come up. Sounds like you may have a lemon; the can shot should not have missed focus.
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ilene, sounds like a bum deal. I would love to know how you make out with this when you get the new one. Good Luck!
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Quick update ... I mailed the camera back on Monday, and received a replacement yesterday (Wednesday). I haven't been able to test it fully yet, but I did want to say how impressed I am with the service at Berger Brothers. They're pleasant and helpful on the phone, and a two-day turnaround is pretty remarkable in my book. I'll be testing the camera this weekend - with only one week left before we leave for WDW.
That's great. I got mine back six business days after they received it; and I just found out today yes, there is a hardware problem with the AF. Supposedly they found it before the 40D and Mk3 Ds hit the assembly line....but at least it's good to know it can be fixed.
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