NDR - Photo paper


I have a ton and I mean a ton of photos to print off on my home printer. ; It is a HP printer and of course in the book it recommends you use HP paper. ; I find that paper of course a bit expensive and I was just wondering if I could use another brand?? ; Is there a good brand out there that will last forever (picture quality) and be cheaper than HP paper? ; What do you use or do with all your digital photos?
I used to print them at home, but found the quality to be quite poor (after a few days the corners of the photo's would start to pull together)..........

Now, I send them to walmart or loblaws, and print them out there. ; I think it is about 20 cents a print...............but the quality is great.
Epson's got a good one... Kodak's good, too, but probably even more expensive than HP.

But if you're printing a lot, you'll probably find that the ink is where it really hurts the bank account (to keep the colours true, you use a lot of ink, and if your printer doesn't have dedicated colour cartridges (generally 6, I think) so you can change a single ink colour at a time, you'll either have to put up with poor colour quality or wasting a lot of partially used ink cartridges.

You're better off using one of the online photo printing places... Future Shop, Blacks, Wal-Mart, Henry's ... they all have the facilities to upload and order prints... and often they'll have deals (free prints when you first sign up, discounted prints... I've seen them as cheap as $0.12 a print sometimes! Although generally they all charge about 19 or 20 cents per 4x6 print) ; I can't speak for most of them, because I've only used FuturePhoto, but we were really happy with the quality of the pics from them... thick photo paper, good pigment density and 'trueness' of colour...
As much as I want to print my photos in the comforts of my own home, you are right that it is cheaper to get them printed somewhere else. ; Keep your fingers crossed for me, I am going to try Walmart for all my old photos that I really want to print. ; I just hope they don't look at bad as all my film/negative photos did from Walmart, but for me having a picture is better than having it on the computer.
We upload ours to the Wal*Mart photo site and have them printed at the local lab (PS... ; my DW is the manager of the local Wally World photo lab).

The cost is 19 cents per print... and you can't beat that!
Well I sent about 80 photos to get printed at Walmart. ; I hope they come up good because I have a ton more to print. ; Went to pick them up about two hours later and found out they had an error in their system so they got printed later on in the day. ; Not very efficient way of doing things. ; The girl didn't believe me that I chose that particular store to pick them up at. ; I went out in the cold weather to go pick them up and they weren't there. ; I guess I will have to pick them up after work today.
Doh! ; Let us know how they turn out... We're not really close to a Future Shop any more, so if Wal-Mart have decent quality for printing we might look into them instead...
Hmmm... was poking around on their website, an the Sam's Club one... I see at Sam's Club there's a surcharge for matte finish... what about at Wal-Mart? ; Is it even an option? ; (we're matte print devotees ;) )
Well I picked up my pictures. ; Walmart does get my seal of approval for good pictures prints. ; Ordering online wasn't too hard to do. ; I would recommend Walmart for online prints for sure. ; And again they are only 19 cents each. ; As far as the matte and gloss. ; There is a choice. ; I choose matte and there wasn't any extra charge. ; I certainly like the matte finish and not the gloss. With Walmart's photo center site you can also adjust your images a bit and you can change what is put on the back of them. ; I tried that buy my computer timed out with so many pictures, but it is a great way to label the photos for sure. ; I will certainly be using Walmart again.