my homage to Tim's night time photo meets

Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by megreader2003, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. megreader2003

    megreader2003 Member

    As this is my first photo post, I got some errs and may have posted more than once (OOPS).

    I told Tim that I would stop lurking to post these photos. (Yes Gary I heard you during MF!)

    While these photos were not take at one of Tim's meets, I used the Tim's lessons to get these shots.

    I still don't know exactly how I got the shots, except that I used a long shutter time. I had to put the camera completely on manual to get a long enough of a shutter time and kept tweeking the rest of the settings. Eventually, I got these two photos (2nd photo in next post). There were about 40 others that didn't come out so well.

    Here's my night time mantra, 'Fence posts (trash cans, tables, etc) are my friends'.

    OK I'll now head back to my cave to continue lurking.

    Meg (12 Drummers drumming)

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. megreader2003

    megreader2003 Member

    Here's the other photo.

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  3. DisneyGeek92

    DisneyGeek92 Member

    Those are great. I haven't gotten a chance to shoot Everest yet hopefully I'll get to that next time.
  4. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    When in the heck did they turn the lights back on? Or did I just go during a time when they had some lights down :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. megreader2003

    megreader2003 Member

    Not sure Roger, I got these the Wed before the Land portion of Mousefest... extra magic hours are great....
  6. gary

    gary Member

    great shots meg, see i told you, you can do this, these are nothing to be ashamed of, not at all, so stay out of lurkerland and show some more, anything you take pics of, i'm going to walk into the cemetary next to my house this afternoon, not because it's particularly photogenic, at least not like oakwood in syracuse, but it's convenient and i need to test out a new cf card, make sure it's good out of the box and all that, so that's what i've got in front of me today, so that's what the subject of the day is today
    besides i can't keep posting concert and horse shots, or polish bride on a tractor shots, i'll bore everyone very quickly
    only c&c i have is make them a little larger, site accepts up to 225 kb, and these would be great at that size, easily set up if using ps, under size for web, popup menu has a click on for optimize, type in 225, and it stays that way until next time you want to change it, i size to 800by500 pixels under image first for anything i will be web posting, with proportions constraint on,
  7. megreader2003

    megreader2003 Member

    Thanks folks....

    Yeah Gary I thought the same thing, but I had no idea what I was doing and tried 3 or 4 times to post and got errors at first. Once I finally got it to work I wasn't going to fight it.

    Not using PS (photo shop??) but Kodak's product since it came with the camera. I'll have to play with the settings.

    On another topic... Happy holidays to all and to all a good night.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    at-a-girl. we knew you could do it, meg. KUNGALOOSH!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  9. DisneyVixen

    DisneyVixen Member

    These pictures came out great, Meg! I have no yet seen Everest at night. It looks great. Fantastic job!!
  10. prettypixie

    prettypixie Member

    Very nice - I especially like that you captured the reflection in the water as well.
  11. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    The coloring in these are awesome Meg! Stay out of that lurkland and show us some more! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  12. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    those are great shots.
    Keep posting your pics!!

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