My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty- solved

Discussion in 'Where Am I?' started by haunteddoc, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. haunteddoc

    haunteddoc Member

    Can you help her find it? ; She is offering 1 million Drew Carey points to the first person who can tell her where she can find her cat. ; (This one may be way to easy...but she wanted me to post it since she was the one who found it!)

    Attached Files:

  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    She should pray more in a "garden"... ; maybe even bring some flags and talismans with her.
  3. gary

    gary Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    animal kingdom, where those prayer flags are, in asia??
  4. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    yup... ; might need to lead a search expedition for her.
  5. haunteddoc

    haunteddoc Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    Asia is correct. ; Could be prayer flags but would have to pray about it to be sure.
  6. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    Jim thinks this one isn't solved, YET HE did realize that our EXPEDITION has reached its SUMMIT for this FORBIDDEN creature.
  7. haunteddoc

    haunteddoc Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    Ah!! ; Little grasshopper, you assume to much.
  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Re: My Grand Daughter has lost her kitty

    Can we close this out?
  9. haunteddoc

    haunteddoc Member

    Yep. ; Done.

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