My first photo post...


Tim and Jeff, you may not remember me but I met you in HS when you were shooting the Hat around 1am a couple weeks ago. My name is Harry and I was shooting with the Sony NEX 7. Anyway, I just got time to join the site and go through some photos. This is my first post.

My daughter was checking herself out in a mirror after getting her face painted in AK.

Nice Kitty! by Harry Shields, on Flickr

This was taken because I got tired of fighting the crowd trying to get uncluttered photos.

Animal Kingdom On Foot by Harry Shields, on Flickr
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A double welcome to you Harry and yes I do remember speaking with you. Thanks for joining. ; You have some neat stuff that you have done; you will fit in nicely here.
First one is really great Harry. ; A wonderful memory pic, very nicely done!

Second one is good too. ; Kind of shows how busy the park is!
Thanks. I love the 1st one too. I have the hardest time photographing my kids. Whenever they see the camera they give me funny faces or act like I'm the Paparazzi. She was so proud after she got her face painted.
Good work Harry. I know what you mean about photographing your kids. I have a 15 year old son that acts the same way. I pull the camera out & he runs. ; ;D ; Funny thing is he loved the attention when he was younger, so I have lots of great photos of him from then, but not so much anymore. Anyway, keep em coming.
Nice work Harry. ; I look forward to seeing more of your shots around here, and we will all always learn from eachother!

Any chance you might be looking to carve out some Disney-trip time in early December - maybe come on down and meet a bunch of us for Pixelmania!
The mirror photo is wonderful.

Keep photographing them. ; Eventually they will stop noticing or learn how to pose and smile as soon as the camera is pointed at them. ; Got both my kids trained.
Harry, welcome! ; I too remember meeting you that night with Tim. ; These are great shots! ; I look forward to further post from you. ;
Welcome, Harry.

If I may, here's a constructive critique on your second shot: ; I like the effect, but there's no real subject in the photo. ; If the Tree of Life or Everest were looming in the background, it would be a whole lot more interesting.

The shot of your daughter is definitely a keeper.
Thanks Doc.

Dennis, I know what you mean. This shot was taken as I was taking a break. This trip I had sooo many photo ideas which were not working out for me due to the crowds and rushing. This shot was made to reflect how I was feeling(overwhelmed). For me, the subject is the bustling crowd. I have another one with more subject.

Everest Traffic by Harry Shields, on Flickr
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This one works, for me at least. ; It's art, after all, and we all have our own interpretations.