Mr. Ray!


Staff member
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Are you by chance processing images from your last trip? Good picture. I thought I was going to be able to go last week but I didn't get there.
Yes I am going through them. Slowly. As for Nemo, I was spoiled by the original cast, so comparing the current cast to the iTunes version, well...
it's still a fun show!
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Haha. When I saw the title of this thread in my feedreader, I thought for a minute someone was calling out to me
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I figured it out last time. When I was there they played TWO announcements. The first said no flash/external video lighting. The second was the ORIGINAL pre-recorded announcement, which said "for the safety of our performers, there is to be no photography or videotaping". Last time I checked it wasn't hazardous to be filmed doing something with no flash/lighting. So let me fix what they meant:

"For the safety of our performers' contracts, there is to be no photography or videotaping"

The original cast is long gone.
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