Moon over Everest


I may have posted these over in the Pixelmania threads but what the heck. ; I re-processed them under Aperture 3. ; As you may or may not recall, I was all set to photograph the moon rising over Expedition Everest the night of the EMH Pre-Pixelmania meet back in December, 2009 but we got socked in with clouds. ; However, earlier in the week, I did take some of a late afternoon moonrise over Everest. ; The first is an HDR image and the second was a 200mm (300mm FX) zoom of the same scene. Click on images for more information.

#1 for me too . I have been meaning to try a daylight moon but I guess there would not be much detail
"HW" said:
#1 for me too . I have been meaning to try a daylight moon but I guess there would not be much detail.

If I had more focal length, I think you would have seen more detail and if it was lower on the horizon. ;