MommytoMJM's Intro

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by mommytomjm, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. mommytomjm

    mommytomjm Member

    So, I have been using a little P&S sony cybershot camera, it was good, but I really never got into photography with it.

    However, I have been wanting a better camera. I was minding my own business at home on Monday when UPS showed up on my doorstep and handed me a package from Amazon. When I opened it it contained a brand new Cannon Powershot S2 IS, case, battery charger and 1 gig memory stick. It is amazing! The friend that got it for me was trying to do it anonymously, but Amazon messed up and put her name in my box...I would have figured it out anyway since it is the same camera that she has.

    I now find myself wanting to learn enough about photography to do this amazing gift justice...and that is how I landed here.

    My primary subject is my special needs daughter MJ and our primary location is at WDW (we live directly behind it)

    I am looking forward to learning from all of you.

    Andrew, Bonny and MJ
    See my pics at The Spot
    Proud owner of a brand new Powershot S2 IS


    BTW...I am Bonny (The Mom)
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    welcome. :)

    that's a really nice story and i hope you find your time here entertaining and educational. enjoy your new camera and i hope you post lots of pictures.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  3. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards!

    You have a really nice camera with true lens image stablization, very long optical zoom, and pretty fast aperture for such a long zoom. ISO is maxed at 400, but with IS you may be able to get pics other cameras cannot.

    Enjoy using it! (I have the S1 IS as my P&S backup/movie camera)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  4. and if you need to clean up the high-ISO noise, you can go to and download Noiseware CE (Community Edition; ie: freeware). It's a one-click solution.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. MickeyBabe

    MickeyBabe Member

    Hi Bonny... Welcome! :)

    Nice to see you here.

    What an amazing gift. I can't wait to see the special moments you capture.
  6. Bonny,

    is it okay if I PM you with questions about living in the near-WDW area? I'm seriously contemplating to move down there (I'm currently in Canada)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  7. mommytomjm

    mommytomjm Member

    Wow, what a great welcome! Thanks you all! I am so new to photography I feel so dumb about it, I'm sure I'll have lots of questions! It's funny now that I have really good equipment I want to really learn it and take advantage of it.

    Kelly-Absolutely. We live as close as you can to property without being on it. We are literally about 100 yards off property. I have no idea what the software you told me about it for lol...or even what noise on a photo looks like.

    Hey MickeyBabe! Fancy meeting you here :) (hug)
  8. Hi Bonny! And welcome! :)

    Word of your new camera sure got around quick! I read about it on MJsSpot, then Chantora told me about it last night after talking to you, and now I find your thread here. Going to give it a whirl 'round the World at MouseFest I presume? Have fun with it, and I'll probably see you there!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  9. mommytomjm

    mommytomjm Member

    Yep, it will get a workout for sure :) I just love it to death! I took like 400 pics on Th/Fr (Andrew's days off) See ya there! ;D
  10. barrie

    barrie Member

    Hey Bonny - Welcome! What a nice present. Your friend must really like you! I'm sure you'll find lots of info that is helpful here. Barrie
  11. Scottwdw

    Scottwdw Member

    Welcome aboard! Maybe I'll see you at Mousefest! Wow! 400 pics in your first two days! Isn't digital a blast with a really good camera? Have fun!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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