mickey's jammin jungle parade


first wdw parade i ever had an almost unobstructed view, 2 days post mousefest, very light crowd and we staked claim to a little corner of rope and i was able to set up tripod, talk about over the top colors, and i guess some of the percussion floats were reworked ideas from TON
Great shots! Here's my candid Jungle Parade shot. :P

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Heh, me too! This was totally random. THe only thing I can think of, was at the time it seemed 3 out of every four Cm was brand new. Nobody could give me any proper info as far as parades, closings, etc. My only guess is that this was a new CM or somebody lost a bet with another CM or a bottle of "who know's what" 100 proof! If I'm not misteken this is very near the beginning of the parade route?