Mickey Hat with Framing Devine


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thanks, roger. i finished the photo with a new action that i discovered that <TECHNOBABBLE> converts from RGB to LAB, boosts the colors in LAB, then sharpens it in LAB channels, before returning the image to RGB </TECHNOBABBLE>.

here is the original image, prior to the new finisher...

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Wow! I really like how the colors turned out on that one. Where did you find that action?
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all of my actions run in the photoshop CS family... my guess is they would work in elements as well.
i may run a TMIP article on the color popping article.
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I am new here may I ask what is the diff between RGB & Lab

I know RGB is red green- blue

on a side note how are you all able to do the pics with only one colr showing on the B & W
You have to be in an image editor that supports layers. Open an image in that software, duplicate the layer so that you have 2 copies of the same image in the same document. Convert one of the layers to black and white and erase either in the black and white layer or the color layer where you want the layer below to show through.

If you your image arranged so that the black and white version was the top layer and you wanted just one object to show through in color, you would erase that object on the black and white layer and the color layer below would show through. You can arrange it the other way around with the color on the top and erase in that layer also. Whichever is easier to achieve the effect you want. Then flatten your image and save as a jpeg and your'e done!
FWIW Tim, Disney decided to help out with the coloration on the hat to make it more like your corrected version. While we were there last week, they were painting! I'll post a picture of the new 'shade' when I can. :)
I saw them paining the hat when we were there earlier this month. cherry picker and a paint roller. new color is much more saturated and looks great.
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i'll do a little blurb about the color popper hopefully tonight.
i have a bunch of ideas about some photoshop tutorials.
&quot;Tim&quot; said:
i'll do a little blurb about the color popper hopefully tonight.
i have a bunch of ideas about some photoshop tutorials.

Awesome! I think it would make a great article.

I think I figured out the color enhancement part, but I haven't figured out the sharpening stuff yet...
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