Well here's a sampler from December's safari riding. As with the walking tours.. not great weather, limited total quality.. but let's see what I can manage.
Of note in the collection is the baby giraffe, which was always pointed out by the tour guide whenever it showed up.. the cheetah.. not that it's a great shot, I need at least twice the focal length to really get a decent shot, but this is probably my best yet, and also I saw the most Cheetah activity ever, showing that they have multiple cheetahs back there (likely all females due to the gender dynamics). Also my best shot yet of the male lion, I've never seen him showing himself as much as this before.. normally he's always lying down, showing little more than a small amount of ruffled fur.
And then there's the special tour vehicle. I can only guess that this is the special tour that you can go on if you stay at the Concierge level of the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I've never seen the vehicle before.. and all I have to say is, nice themed decorating! I figured the tour would be a bunch of people in a van or some sort of large jeep or something, and that somehow the whole thing would be hidden from the regular ride. Instead I find that they have a special vehicle apparently used just for that one limited availability tour.. I'm impressed. They have another vehicle used for giving tours of the grounds that the Animal Kingdom Lodge have, I've never found out how you go on that tour..
And as for the flamingos.. I'm sorry, but I think those things are ugly whenever I actually get a good look at them. The beak is a masterpiece of design for a very specific function (filter feeding), but as a result.. I just think it looks upside down, and it really gives their heads weird proportions.
Of note in the collection is the baby giraffe, which was always pointed out by the tour guide whenever it showed up.. the cheetah.. not that it's a great shot, I need at least twice the focal length to really get a decent shot, but this is probably my best yet, and also I saw the most Cheetah activity ever, showing that they have multiple cheetahs back there (likely all females due to the gender dynamics). Also my best shot yet of the male lion, I've never seen him showing himself as much as this before.. normally he's always lying down, showing little more than a small amount of ruffled fur.
And then there's the special tour vehicle. I can only guess that this is the special tour that you can go on if you stay at the Concierge level of the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I've never seen the vehicle before.. and all I have to say is, nice themed decorating! I figured the tour would be a bunch of people in a van or some sort of large jeep or something, and that somehow the whole thing would be hidden from the regular ride. Instead I find that they have a special vehicle apparently used just for that one limited availability tour.. I'm impressed. They have another vehicle used for giving tours of the grounds that the Animal Kingdom Lodge have, I've never found out how you go on that tour..
And as for the flamingos.. I'm sorry, but I think those things are ugly whenever I actually get a good look at them. The beak is a masterpiece of design for a very specific function (filter feeding), but as a result.. I just think it looks upside down, and it really gives their heads weird proportions.
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