Mann's Chinese Theatre - From Day to Nite

thanks! ; the first one i did (spaceship earth) just kind of happened.... ; not really sure what inspired it.
This is awesome!!! ; I am really shocked at how little distortion there is from the UWA lens. ; I would assume this is what, like 16mm? (on DX, so whatever the math is for you...24mm?)
oh no, my friend, canon 5d (full frame), 17-40L lens.
there was a little bit of keystoning but that comes right up with photoshop.
"Tim" said:
oh no, my friend, canon 5d (full frame), 17-40L lens.
there was a little bit of keystoning but that comes right up with photoshop.

So that's even wider than 24mm on the full frame? ; I guess it would all depend on where you stand. ; Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to try out the Tokina 11-16 After Hours at the Studios, but with my 18-200, if I stand all the way as far as I can into the pin station, I am probably about 2-3mm off from this view.

I have never had any luck correcting distortion in Photoshop. ; I just usually use the built in filter, and that seems to do very little. ; I had never heard of keystoning, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. ; Interesting. ; It seems I still have so much to learn about photography. ; Therein lies the fun!
"WDWFigment" said:
I just usually use the built in filter, and that seems to do very little.

ah, therein lies the rub. ; the lens correction filter in powerful is most powerful when used properly. ; practice, young padawan.