Here's a portion of the newsletter MagicMeets just sent out
Go On, Get Preregistered!
The time is upon one and all: Get thee to the nearest computer terminal and get thyself (and all thine, natch) preregistered for MagicMeets 2009.
According to the countdown calendar on the front page of our handy-dandy Web site (, we are just a little less than six months away from our annual celebration of fun, friends and a little bit – well, a big bit, really – of magic.
And while tickets are not yet on sale (don’t worry, we’ll give you the heads-up soon!), if you want to join us for all or at least some of the festivities August 7-9, you should make it a point get yourself and your family pre-registered soon.
Folks often wonder why it’s a good idea to preregister in advance for MagicMeets. The top answer to that, especially for 2009, is “38 hours.”
You see, that’s all it took for more than 550 Disney fans to snap up every available ticket to MagicMeets 2008.
Yep, 38 hours. Considerably less than two days.
“I always had a feeling we would sell out,” Fred Block, the meet’s founder and chief organizer, said after last year’s record sales time. “I mean, in 2006 we sold out to 350 people in 2 months. In 2007 we sold out to 550 people in 10 days. Given that this year’s event was at the same facility as last year’s, I knew we would sell out. I just didn’t expect it to happen that quickly.”
And by preregistering prior to the official on-sale date, quickness is the advantage you may get when you step up to pay, especially if you’re coming with a group. For example, if you’re coming with a party of six, and you’re not preregistered, when the tickets go on sale, you’ll be entering all the necessary data fields for yourself and five other folks. By the time you’re done entering all that information, a few dozen other people might have paid for their tickets in the meantime.
If you preregister prior to the on-sale date, all your information is in our system. It can even be changed or edited if necessary BEFORE we open up to payments. And if you should have any problems, our staff will have plenty of time to assist you - no need to stress! When the tickets go on sale, poof, all that’s left for you to do is log in and click the payment button to lock in your tickets. And when it comes down to those last few tickets, that edge in time could make all the difference betwee n getting in or having to stay home.
So go on. Take a few minutes and visit the MagicMeets 2009 registration site.
You’ll be glad you did.
Go On, Get Preregistered!
The time is upon one and all: Get thee to the nearest computer terminal and get thyself (and all thine, natch) preregistered for MagicMeets 2009.
According to the countdown calendar on the front page of our handy-dandy Web site (, we are just a little less than six months away from our annual celebration of fun, friends and a little bit – well, a big bit, really – of magic.
And while tickets are not yet on sale (don’t worry, we’ll give you the heads-up soon!), if you want to join us for all or at least some of the festivities August 7-9, you should make it a point get yourself and your family pre-registered soon.
Folks often wonder why it’s a good idea to preregister in advance for MagicMeets. The top answer to that, especially for 2009, is “38 hours.”
You see, that’s all it took for more than 550 Disney fans to snap up every available ticket to MagicMeets 2008.
Yep, 38 hours. Considerably less than two days.
“I always had a feeling we would sell out,” Fred Block, the meet’s founder and chief organizer, said after last year’s record sales time. “I mean, in 2006 we sold out to 350 people in 2 months. In 2007 we sold out to 550 people in 10 days. Given that this year’s event was at the same facility as last year’s, I knew we would sell out. I just didn’t expect it to happen that quickly.”
And by preregistering prior to the official on-sale date, quickness is the advantage you may get when you step up to pay, especially if you’re coming with a group. For example, if you’re coming with a party of six, and you’re not preregistered, when the tickets go on sale, you’ll be entering all the necessary data fields for yourself and five other folks. By the time you’re done entering all that information, a few dozen other people might have paid for their tickets in the meantime.
If you preregister prior to the on-sale date, all your information is in our system. It can even be changed or edited if necessary BEFORE we open up to payments. And if you should have any problems, our staff will have plenty of time to assist you - no need to stress! When the tickets go on sale, poof, all that’s left for you to do is log in and click the payment button to lock in your tickets. And when it comes down to those last few tickets, that edge in time could make all the difference betwee n getting in or having to stay home.
So go on. Take a few minutes and visit the MagicMeets 2009 registration site.
You’ll be glad you did.