Low power flash at MNSSHP

"mSummers" said:
The exif shows a shutter speed of 1/8s

Will need a tripod at that shutter speed. ; How about a gorillapod for the flash? Have done that a couple of times.
"mSummers" said:
I searched the MNSSHP photos on Flickr at lunch and found one that I think shows what I think Dennis is trying to attempt: ;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/disneydena/3957014064/ The exif shows a shutter speed of 1/8s.

That is indeed close to what I had in mind. ; Now I see that a dark area would be best for this shot, but a well-lit area would help the rest of the parade. ; Decisions, decisions.

"Scottwdw" said:
Anyone want to be a VAL for me? ; Someone tall, please.

My Nikon SC-28 flash cable has a tripod socket. ; We could put that on my monopod.