looking for gps help


ok so canon does not have any gps interface built into the 5dmk2, so i'm trying to figure out how to do this with the least fuss possible
there is a company in hong kong with a hot shoe mount device, but because it's canon, not nikon this then requires purchase of the $648.00 wireless transmitter. not a feasable option, since each model camera requires a different wireless unit, and i'm in love with my 5d, but it's not till death do us part

jobo makes a hot shoe mount unit that makes a track log, you then usb plug it into the computer, but you need internet access to get to the software, and you have to download your files in raw format so the software can then add in an xmp sidecar file, another step added to the workflow before you can convert into dng for lightroom work, plus while all the reviews of this device say it works, there is no hot shoe lock, so everyone rants about near loss or loss of the device, everyone!
apparently a design flaw that jobo really needs to adress

does anyone know of a handheld gps, not too big that i can turn on during a shooting session, carry attached to my belt or to my camera bag , make a track log while i'm shooting, and simply download it to a drive, i have jeffrey freidel's very elegant and easy to use lightroom plug in that matches times of photos to the track log, and can do this off jpegs or dng, but i need a tracklog to make this doable

i'll call garmin tommorrow, i cannot glean the answer from their product specs, they talk about tracklogs in the faq section, but say to refer to the specs of the models, but none of the spec sections specifically mention it being a downloadable tracklog device
I see what you mean Gary. ; LOL.

My guess is that you should look for one that uses Garmin Connect. ; Exploring there shows that you can export your track as a CSV from there.....
well garmin lists usb cables under accessories for the very affordable and just the right size E-trex product line, but they don't seem too clear on what i'm able to do with that cable, so i'll be calling them, i also just sent the inquiry to product support, i own a nuvi and it's fine to use in rental cars on trips, so maybe they'll want to keep me as a happy customer and get right back with an answer, i can't be the first person wanting to do this, and why else would j freidel write the lightroom plug in, other than the fact he writes lightroom plugins for a hobby
Just turn the unit on and once it acquires a GPS signal it starts a log. You just leave it powered on while you walk, stroll, sprint, etc... It really is just that simple. I used one at last years Pixelmania.

You can push a button to mark a specific location, within the GPS log file as a waypoint, for locations you want to highlight later. The device logs to standard NMEA file format in a ".log" file, so almost every logging program on the market should understand the file with no problem.
jason, thanks very much, i ordered one before i went to bed last night, glad someone on the forum knew the answer i needed, thanks again
No problem :). Not sure if Lightroom has mapping built in, but Aperture has places and it is cool to see the path that you traveled while looking at the images. Same thing as in iPhoto too :). My only tip would be to start a new log each day which will make tagging your photos a bit easier if you organize by day.
Sometime soon these people http://blueslr.com/ should have a version that works with Canon cameras. it pairs your camera to a smartphone or Blackberry device with built in GPS, then writes the info directly to the EXIF.

Great, thanks Erich, now not only do I need a new camera, but a new phone to work with that Blue SLR too! ; UGH! ; LOL Just kidding!
My GPS tagging method is effective and accurate, though a wee bit more labor intensive. ; I take my photos, then when I get home and upload them to my gallery, I link into Google maps from my photo gallery host, and individually hand-link each photo's GPS location from memory. ; It takes a bit longer, and a LOT more memory, but it is accurate (at least for as long as my memory holds!!).
like a fart in church

you not suppozzed to do that????

unfortunately justin there have been some productivity and connectivity problems with the onboard memory both in terms of the manual tracklog and even issues with the date and time chips
I'm sure the day will come when mine starts to get a little glitchy and unreliable...so as long as it's still working, I'm a gonna use it!
well according to spouse karen there have been major productivity issues for a couple of years now, apparently the unit spends a little too much time in front of a computer screen looking at photos and not enough time on chores