Look what showed up from B&H



Will give this Acratech ball head and Kirk L-bracket a proper shake down tomorrow night.

Look familiar, Gary? ; :)

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suh-weet! ; post a link, dude. ; are you interested in writing a review for TMIP on the main site?
Sure, Tim. ; Give me a couple of weeks for me to figure out how to use it properly and write it up. ; I put it on the Velbon legs I/We got used from Lensrentals.com last year. Nice setup!
Reviving another dead thread to inform you all that great minds think alike:

Last January I bought a Kirk L-bracket and QR clamp so I could use my monopod to take vertical shots of Magic, the Memories and You in February. ; They worked like a charm.

Yesterday, I ordered an Acratech GP-s ball head to put on my tripod. ; Another new toy to try at WDW in May!

I was really surprised when I found this thread. ; Or maybe my subconcious remembered it. :D
Damn...forget all about it, Tim. ; Heading to Washington next week with this and something else people might be interested in using when tripods are not allowed. ; Have put the review on my to do list!
Thanks, Scotty. ; I have a few new toys to review... ; one of which is the new G1 X and the other is something that Gary might try to steal at Pixelmania...
"gary" said:
all right, give it up, or i show up wearing the worst t shirt i've ever found

You settle down, now. ;

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Now that I have my Acratech ball head (thanks for the recommendation, Gary), I have a couple of questions:

Can anyone recommend a generic camera plate? ; I have an L-bracket for my D300, but I'd like to have a non-camera-specific plate for spur-of-the-moment shots or to allow others to use the tripod.

Since my L-bracket is designed for use without the battery grip, and would interfere with my BlackRapid strap anyway, I need to screw it on when needed. ; Unfortunately, this requires a 4mm hex wrench. ; Any suggestions on how to avoid losing that small black thing? ; Anyone know of an alternative tool?
Get the 4mm Allen wrench, cut it down as short as you can and still use it, then vise it up or better yet find someone with a drill press and a vise so you can drill through straight , just large enough for a keying, now just put it on your master key ring and it's always with you
Good suggestion, Gary, and it reminded me that they sell hex key sets that come on a ring. ; I'll look into one of those, too.