lobby decorations


let's see them, i'll lead off with a small slice of what i think is hands down the best lobby display at disney, not to detract from the effort put into the others, but this is pure photographic eye candy, and i was floored when i took tim there and found out he had never seen it before, this definitely needs some meet time at next years pixelmania

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and another, with some corrected white balance, so's to show the rocky coastal village the set piece depicts

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oops,this is the one i really meant to post

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I concur, this place was awesome!! ; We were really bummed when the train timed out! ; Apparently the train shuts off automatically at a certain time, ; 12:47am if I recall correctly.

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here is another with the train just a blur...

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great shots paul, and i will be back there next year, i just ran out of time/energy, this needs some further work with 100mm and 200mm primes, to really pull out the incredible detail in this, comparing this to a standard gingerbread house piece is like comparing rembrandt to a finger painting, it's that good
The Polynesian doesn't have a giant Christmas tree like some of the other resorts, but they have a lot of poinsettias in the lobby around the waterfalls.

This is post number 500 for me. ; Let there be dancing in the streets!
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Dennis, I have almost the exact same photo as my iPhone wallpaper. :) ; I'm kinda partial to all things Polynesian. :-*