Kilimanjaro Safaris


Tried to go as wide as I could in a few shots for a change rather than focusing in tight on the animals.

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[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
I really like the first one. I've never gotten a good shot of that tree, I always have the sky blown out.
how wide were these, and what's your widest available, i know you have an ef-s mount 40d, so if i have room in the bag and you want to carry it around, i do have the very high quality 10-22 ef-s, used on my xti in europe in 2007, and just on the shelf since, if you are interested

and excellent shots, my man, you have really upped your disney photo game the last year or so
I'm with gary, what lens were you using. ; Might have to do a UWA safari myself now. ; The first one is my favorite though I would crop the bottom out a bit.
Thanks everyone. ; I was at 17mm on my 17-85mm kits lens, the widest I can go right now.

Gary: ; I am very interested in that lens, I will gladly carry it around for you. ; Hopefully I won't forget to give it back to you. ;D

here is another;


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Scott: ; here is another crop of the first one

I actually like the foreground in the picture, maybe I cropped too much off

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"Paul" said:
Scott: ; here is another crop of the first one

I actually like the foreground in the picture, maybe I cropped too much off

No, I like this one, Paul. ; Print, frame and mount where you can see it every day. ; :)
Paul - I like the shot as cropped. ; I'm not a fan of the copyright stuff in the middle of all of the shots. ; I don't see the point in spending all that time editing only to obscure much of the shot. ; I realize there is a balance between wanting to share the shot and not wanting people to steal it, but personally, I would rather have people steal my stuff if that's what they really want to do. ; Doesn't really matter to me that much, and I care a lot more that my shots are perceived by others as I intend for them to be displayed. ; Sorry, for the 'soapbox.' ; Obviously a matter of personal preference and something upon which reasonable minds could differ.

Scott - since getting a DSLR, I have actually never gotten a shot printed. ; Even with my P&S, I only got 4x6 shots every once in a while. ; Something I really probably ought to do someday.
"WDWFigment" said:
I realize there is a balance between wanting to share the shot and not wanting people to steal it, but personally, I would rather have people steal my stuff if that's what they really want to do

I know of people who have had their shots stolen and used by corporate entities and some others who have had their shots taken and that person claimed credit for the shot. ; That's a major argument for putting the copyright in the center of the picture if you take good pictures

I think Tim even occasionally puts a watermark in the middle of his shots.

I don't put anything on mine, but I have my pictures set on Flickr to not be downloadable unless I have you are a friend and are of a certain group. ; I also limit it to very small sizes

not to mention my pictures look like crap
"Grumpwurst" said:
I know of people who have had their shots stolen and used by corporate entities and some others who have had their shots taken and that person claimed credit for the shot. ; That's a major argument for putting the copyright in the center of the picture if you take good pictures

I think Tim even occasionally puts a watermark in the middle of his shots.

I don't put anything on mine, but I have my pictures set on Flickr to not be downloadable unless I have you are a friend and are of a certain group. ; I also limit it to very small sizes

not to mention my pictures look like crap

I understand what you're saying, and understand why some people do it. ; I guess what I'm suggesting is to not do it arbitrarily. ; (All other things being equal, that's a bad spot for a watermark, in my opinion).

For me, it all boils down to expectations. ; I have no delusions about making money in photography. ; I edit and post my images because I enjoy doing it, and because I want to share them with others. ; Since editing and posting takes me time, I want the images to look as good as possible. ; Given those factors, I don't put one in the center. ; Having the image look better is more important to me than preventing others from stealing it. ; Granted, I would prefer people not steal my images, but I'm not going to do anything proactive to prevent it.

I totally understand others may have compelling rationales for including watermarks in the center of their images.