Keys to the Kingdom Tour


Has anyone tried it? ; Is it worth it (the cost - in Disney terms anyway - seems to be reasonable; $74 for 4.5-5 hours)? ; Any comments? ; I'm going for a "long weekend" without husband and kids (first ever!) and thought it might be a good opportunity to do some of those things I've always wanted to try... ; The "Backstage Magic" almost sounds too long but has anyone ever done that one?
Myself and Karen did the keys to the kingdom tour .. worth every penny.
Yes we did to the tour. ; It was definitely interesting and we learned a lot. ; I do believe that $74 is reasonable for that long for sure. ; I remember them walking us through mainstreet, getting on a couple of rides, having lunch and then getting to see underneath Main Street. ; All really neat to see. ; We haven't done the Backstage Magic, but we did do the Yuletide Fantasy tour and we even got to go in one of the warehouses to see all the decorations. ; I would say any tour that may sound interesting probably is.

I do agree that the Backstage Magic one is a bit long, but I think you would learn a lot if you like that sort of thing and get to see a lot of the behind the scenes things.