June Vacation

Bob D.

We're traveling to WDW in June. ; My 6 year old daughter reminds me of the trip on an almost daily basis. ; :)

Has anyone heard the status of Test Track? ; I read somewhere that GM may pull their sponsorship. ; If they do, Disney is bound to shut the ride down for a short time to remove all references to GM. ; Has anyone heard any rumors of any potential Test Track closings?


Thanks for the reply. ; I've been keeping my eye on allears.net for anything relating to it. ; Nothing so far.

My daughter is finally tall enough to get on some of the bigger rides. ; It was fun to watch her in December as she enjoyed some of the more wild rides for the first time.

Space Mountain is closed for awhile. ; She'll be crushed if Test Track is as well :)


Thanks for the link! ; Looks like they have nothing conclusive either. ;

It is amazing what a sponsorship costs. ; According to the article the Spaceship Earth sponsorship was $100 million! ; Wow! ;

I can only say that I hope they'd work something out well in advance enough if GM had to pull out to get something else in there quickly, and make the minor touchups to the ride decor quickly. ; Haven't heard anything official yet though...I'll be up there beginning of June myself.