Jumping in the dSLR Pool!


Okay, I'm finally going to hit the buy button!!! Woo Hoo :D

After about 2 months of internal debate, reading every review possible & planning out my budget - I've decided to go with the Pentax K100D Super. Couple of the key points decision were (in no particular order):
1. Cost per # of features
2. Don't need to buy special lenses for image stabilization
3. You can turn said image stabilization off if wanted
4. Dust cleaning
5. I already have SD cards in abundance
6. Since I don't see myself printing anything bigger than 8x10, the pixel count is sufficient
7. I liked the way it feels & works

Now...the big question is...what else do I need to buy???? I'll be joining Tim's tours during MouseFest so I want to be prepared, so here's what I'm thinking I'll get (BTW, I already have the tripod ;)):
Camera (duh!), comes with the 18-55mm lens
50-200mm f/4-5.6 lens
50mm f/1.4 lens (I want those dark ride pictures!!!!!)

Should I add on
Flash (an extra $220) it has a pop up one already...
Cable switch ($35 ) do I really need one for fireworks?
filters - which ones besides an UV for protection?

Am I missing anything?

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"karlecat" said:
Should I add on
Flash (an extra $220) it has a pop up one already...

Eventually I would. You may get around it for the meantime, but you can do a lot more with an external flash.

Cable switch ($35 ) do I really need one for fireworks?

You can use self-timer to avoid camera shake, but thanks to live view, I've seen that it takes even the heaviest of cameras 3 seconds (not just 2) to stop shaking after you press the shutter button - even on a full size metal (heavy) tripod - one that I don't take to the parks because it's just too big and heavy. The cable release prevents that; still have to worry about mirror shake a little but I'm betting sensor-shift IS probably handles that. Then again, perhaps sensor-shift IS would handle the camera shake as well. Try it out at night with your tripod before trying fireworks at the parks.

filters - which ones besides an UV for protection?

The old timers are more pro-filter than the digital only era ones. I still like circular polarizer and neutral density filters. In fact that's all I use now apart from the UV filters.

Am I missing anything?

A big bag to carry all of this in??? ;D
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I can't help with what you may need, but welcome to the club! I just purchased my d-SLR a couple of weeks ago, and am still learning. I don't have any options other than a tripod that I've had for a couple of years, but I can tell you that the people on here are very helpful (as you have already seen). The one thing that I'd look for is a comfortable neck strap - my Nikon isn't bad, but I'm looking for something more comfortable already.

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"gary" said:
op-tech pro strap, search for the prior thread on here, i swear by this company

I took Gary's advice on the op-tech a while ago. Its great for comfort and much more subtle than the yellow labeled NIKON neckstrap
flash and remote release are very required at some point in the future. you DEF. want the release if you are going to try to shoot fireworks.
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"Craig" said:
I took Gary's advice on the op-tech a while ago. Its great for comfort and much more subtle than the yellow labeled NIKON neckstrap

The yellow labeled NIKON neckstrap is the part I'll miss. I've only had my camera three weeks, but on our trip to the world two weekends ago, I found that the camera strap started a few conversations. See, I'm really kind of shy around people I don't know, but I found that if I found other Nikon users (neckstrap spotting!), I could ask questions about the camera, what they were shooting, lenses, settings, that sort of thing...and I always got cheerful replies.

That said, I still want a more comfortable strap. I'll look into the one you guys listed!

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"scpergj" said:
The yellow labeled NIKON neckstrap is the part I'll miss. I've only had my camera three weeks, but on our trip to the world two weekends ago, I found that the camera strap started a few conversations. See, I'm really kind of shy around people I don't know, but I found that if I found other Nikon users (neckstrap spotting!), I could ask questions about the camera, what they were shooting, lenses, settings, that sort of thing...and I always got cheerful replies.

That said, I still want a more comfortable strap. I'll look into the one you guys listed!


ha ha. I look for other nikon users too. I usually look for the red stripe and chrome badge on the body, though.
You're right, I talk to more photographers now than ever before. There are more SLR's than I've ever seen before in WDW, and I do have fun talking with other people about it.
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"Craig" said:
...I talk to more photographers now than ever before. There are more SLR's than I've ever seen before in WDW, and I do have fun talking with other people about it.

It's quite a little community, isn't it ? It's not just at WDW - anywhere I go with my DSLR I seem to get people coming up and talking trade, so to speak. I was at a renaissance festival recently and had all kinds of folk coming up and asking about my 5D, my lenses, and discussing shooting techniques and whatnot. It's fun and, at least at a purely amateur level, a very helpful little community.
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