I don't have exact dates for this year, but in the past it fell in the first week of November. It's comparable to our March Break for their state -- except since the weather is not yet bad on the East coast, they tend to drive down to Florida in huge numbers.
We've been twice during the first week of November. The first time in 1998, we had an extremely quiet week. Either Jersey Week was at another time, or it was because a Hurricaine did blow through Orlando that week and they stayed away. The last time was busy enough that we decided not to go down that week again (we had pre-schoolers then and thought it would be quiet since school was in session). That's actually when fellow hotel-goers told us it was Jersey Week and were surprised we weren't from their state. That was in 2003 - I can only imagine that it has become busier over time with Disney's constant discounts and free dining offerings.
That being said, Our trip in April when we coincided with Spring Break for the NorthEast was FAR busier. And frankly, I think Disney has made it so there are no true quiet times anymore.
I've given up trying to find that perfect time ... ; hence we're going in March this year. You just need to go with what time's good for you.