Forgot to post this after the October trip. ; Anyway, was staying with some friends at Jambo House and started my foray into Pin Trading. ; I had always purchased pins, but had not traded before. ; Long Story short, I was looking for the Bonus 10th Anniversary "10" pins and was down to the Figment and Stitch pin. ; Every day I was checking out every Cast Member I could find. ; At the Marketplace, I was talking with Jason as I was checking out and mentioned that I was looking for two pins to complete that collection. ; He asked how much longer I was going to be staying at the Resort because he might have those pins or know someone that did. ; I was a bit difficult getting back in touch with him (due to his work schedule and my Park schedule) but he ended up leaving a bag for me at the Marketplace with a note that a Disney Fairy had left these for me. ; He definitely went above and beyond his duty to allow me to complete my collection. ; It is CMs like this that make my trips down to WDW so much more enjoyable.